Friday 13 November 2009

Right or Wrong 3b Drugs 13.1109

Right or Wrong 3b Drugs 13. 11. 09
So it would be better, if drug dependant get not in a jail but have medical and psychological care against this disease
Because if this would be reality, more people would take drugs as before.
And that renews the question, why the government is not able to legalize the drugs.
This article should give some ideas to solve the troubles.
Some people believe that it will be better, if drugs would be legal.
The people would have always when they use drugs lot of fun and entertainment
One reason why the government maybe will do this is to release drug dealers out of the overcrowded jails, to economize money, or to soften bloodthirsty gangs, nobody knows it!
Today many are unhappy with their life.
All addicts had to visit these aid agencies and make therapies and sessions until they could live without drugs. I think this is a much better way than go to prison.
The government in the US says that drugs are horrible for the humans.
Some people said also that drugs are not criminal.
I can imagine that very much people are gonna die, because they can legally take drugs till they are dead.
It means that there are always conflicts with people who deal with drugs and people who use illegal drugs- when drugs where legal, this problem was disappeared.
But in the majority of cases they feel when the drug effect is going down, so they shoot drugs again.
The bloodthirsty gang wars will reduces rapidly. Because when the addicts can buy the drugs legal and they could be safety that the drugs in the pharmacy are 100 per cent clean.
I think that these politicians don’t do something good for the general public when they legalized drugs.
For some people it is terrible that drugs are legalized,
So nobody will be able to control the drug taking
Many think that legalizing the drugs is good because the problem with the dealers and illegal taking of drugs would disappear.
I think these problems get higher and higher,
When we remember the law from 1914- 1988 in the USA, at this 74 years alcohol was forbid for everybody.
All hope if drugs are legalized many problems solve from even.
Drugs are very dangerous they made us addicted and change our personality.
Alcohol is a danger if we excessive use it,
Many people think it´s such a joke that some politician wants to legalize drugs
They say if there are fewer dealers the prison is not so full of dealers who only deals with soft drugs.
One reason why politicans maybe will do this is to release drug dealers out of the overcrowded jails, to economize money, or to soften bloodthirsty gangs, nobody knows it!
Then the police are overwhelmed and need more officers. At least the government must spend the money at additionally personal what they earned with the drug tax.
But is would drugs really be “the problem” in a modern world?
And another big problem is the infection of bad afflictions. About the injection these afflictions can infect the other pupils.
In our culture alcohol is a part of it. It’s not only to celebrate some things and binge drinking.
When you drive to Graz in the city park there are the dealers and you can get every drug what you want.
But when you need it then it is probably.
One of these advantages is that the number of drug dealer became lesser and lesser and they can’t sell drugs which are racked with dangerous substances.
At the beginning her parents’ don’t know it, but later they influenced to make a deprivation.
This weard thoughts are provided by the people who think that the drug wars which are since 1914 were sensless.
They also think that it would be better if there would be no drugs but they accept that this is hardly possible and that there is more peace this way.
Because they have such a high dependency.
There will be more accidents then jet because the people are all under anesthetic.
that they can hurt their body’s.
In these text they also see the side of make money with selling drugs to the public.
Know I will bring you my opinion nearer
If they legalize drugs in America, it will get a big chaos The people witch was against this idea only want a dope-free-nation.
In my view drugs should be illegal, because of the high risk to get depended on.
In the most times they were really dangerous for the body.
The text „Thinking the unthinkable“, handles the topic Legalize drugs
For some politicians the best way to curtail drugs is,

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