Monday 2 November 2009

Right or wrong 2s 1.11.09

There were many things I have done but not really exiting.
It was already not so good, because the wheather was very fine, and I had to sit in the classroom. After the Drivers License I was at home and worked in agriculture and in the house.
I like learning and attending school and my brain was not working enough in holidays.
I had very much fun in my holiday.
There I had a little accident. I had to extinguish a fat brand.
It was ever very hot in the stable. I also often went rake.
One week I were on the albp because I must cut down the trees around our alpin cabine.
And I also have done my car driver.
IN the last weekend I were hiking on our house mountain with my family. At the last day of my holidays I were shopping.
The next day wasn’t so good because we had to do the cleaning and this was quite strong!
Sometime it was very busy but I liked my work very much and the most time it was a lot of fun
In the H2O Therme there is especialy a pool- bar.It was a relaxing week.
Normally my horse is in the near of graz at a forcast.
Well I also studied for my examination, but as it turned out too few.
The work was most the time the same. In the morning at five o clock I stand up and shouted “Hou,hou,hoouuu…..” to let in the 28 cows on our alpine pasture. Than I had to milk 14 brown swiss cows and washed the milking machinery.
If the weather was not stabile I did the stable work and other works like : repair the machinery, grind the knifes or cut weed, little trees and shrubs.
At two Sundays at begin September I carried a female and one male calf from the mountain pasture into the stable and provided them and also their mothers, and after I had done this, my friend “Andi” and I had had two specially hiking- climbing tours.
It was phenomenal to saw some friends after the “long” holidays.
I also had to plane the fertilization plan.
All in all the holidays were very fun and I could enjoy them a little bit.
The bad side at the school beginning is that I have to drive to school and home every week and that’s really expensive, because of the petrol.
The following two weeks I doesn´t do anything.
One time in summer holidays it had rained so much that the stream by side our house grows dangerous and from one to another second the water streams into our garage and boiler room,
So I had only some opportunities to practise English in holidays.
On the on hand I am very happy when the school started because I must work hard at home and on a building site and on other hand the holiday was too shortly.
As a Green keeper I often mow the grassland and sometimes I pour the flowers.
The honey site of the holidays I often went with my friends in disco´s and pubs.
It was Saturday. I would drive with my car to my grandfather and we would go hunt. Two hours before it rains very heavy and the street was very glibber. I drove with my car over the Rechberg and I lost the control from my car and I have an accident.
I had much work and the time was passing by very fast.
I like learning and attending school and my brain was not working enough in holidays.
In August I was with my boyfriend on holidays in the east of Tyrol for four days.
It’s really cool to be the own boss.
There I also earned money and I also learnt a much how to work in such kitchens.
After these nine weeks I looked forward to come back to Raumberg and I was happy that school has started again.
In the middle of August I was operated by my right knee, because I hurt it by a football match in the year 2006.
I had some heights and depths.
In this summer we begin to build the party barn for our tournaments.
The two weeks where too short and so I have to fly home.
When I arrived at home I went to Podersdorf am See, because I partake on the Podersdorfer triathlon.
Stick to the same TENSE!!!!!
The main actor is Jim Carrol, played from Leonardo DiCaprio.
Jim has no father. When he grows up he began to smoke with his friends.
I also think that this film hasn´t a positive effect to run amok.
First I want to say that this is a very dramatic and impressive movie which base on the true life of Jim Carroll.
The next shocking thing was as Jim prostitute his self to get more drugs.
In my opinion the registered Scott Kalvert, wants to show what happens when a young handsome smart boy takes drugs and throw his live away.
With the death of the innocence he maybe wants to say, that a lot of innocence people die of taking and selling drugs.
I think that he write this play to care some pupils from the same mistake what he have made.
think that Jim Carroll was only able to write this “memories”, while he made such cruel experiences.
In my opinion the law should make it more difficult to become drugs!
What I want to say is that these games and these movies aren’t the primarily reason that young people run amok!The gets mobbed and discriminated. In these games they can live their aggressiveness out!
I think there are many important actions in the movie which you don’t observe at the first time when you watch the movie only once.
But sometimes it is difficult to understand and to continue this movie.
Especially I think that this movie means that they only can exist when they only take care about their own.
My opinion about that movie is, that it is a good way to prevent young people from entering the wrong turn.
To have right friends is very important, because when teenagers have friends witch take drugs they sometimes also start with taking them.
Especially I think that this movie means that they only can exist when they only take care about their own.
Leonardo DiCaprio played the roll of Jim Carol very good and we can learn much about this movie.
When they need drugs and had no money they sold the body this is the deep point in some cases.
They will support you when you do something.
If Leo DiCaprio would be a good boy, he would never be such a famous basketball player. But it isn´t good that he started to take drugs, because he became addicted.
At some scene they spoke too fast and I understand the actors very hard.
If you drink sometimes alcohol this is not a problem but you need more and more drugs and alcohol you turn into a junky and you were addicted.
have to say that is also a good thing how to scare pupils to run amok. In the movie every person saw which consequences there are when you take drugs and drink too much alcohol. You destroy your live. You destroy yourself
The scene in which Jim wanted to stop doing drugs was so impressive.
Jim is a exception. I think the fewest oft drug addicted people get out of this scene and can start a normal live.
And often many people arrested also when they were innocent.
He also means his deeps and the highs - simply the whole tender.
Movies like this couldn’t make young people to run amok. I think so.
This film acts from a live change of an teenager and his fall into a cruel situation the drug vicious circle.
He plays very good basketball and is with four friends of his class in a famous top basketball team.
During the matches one of the boys go always in the locker room and steel there the clocks and wallets of opposes.
They went together out to have fun and a nice day but final in a peepshow the friend gets angry and wanted to go back to hospital, maybe he knows that he never become healthy and will die soon.
The best way to prevent our youth of taking drugs and running amok is an good association, good friens and one believe.
People can become artists through different ways.
In my opinion the phrase: ,,The true story of the death of innocence and the birth of an artist”, means that everyone of us has to grow up, someones grow up faster than others not.
The puberty can be very intensive, as we can see in the film, and it also can be harmless.
This movie shows us how terrible life can be and in wich big problems you can come.
In my view this film can not be responsible for any amok runnings. To say that only this film is responsible for an amok run is nonsense because there must be many other reasons to do such horrible things.
First I want to say that it is a good film which shows the life of american boys whos quitting the school.
In my opinion if the boy didn´t went to prison, and if he didn´t commit crimes he wouldn´t become an artist.
Sometimes they become murderer.
I can´t imagine that any people will commit crime for a while after seeing that film. In my view the film let ones to think about what all can happen if they do something similar.
In my view ones would be shocked after seeing that film, but not to get aggressive.
In the worst way you going to take drugs or do a crime.
So innocence pupil had to die that everybody know´s who Jim Carroll is. And a new “artist” called Jim Carroll is born.
You destroy your live. You destroy yourself.

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