Monday 2 November 2009

Right or wrong 5a / Basketball Diaries

It means that a man lost his innocence through drugs and he made a lot of stupid things.
And he began to realize that it is better to change the life and so Jim Carroll starts to write books and poets.
The next point I would like to make is that we see, through the addict of drugs, persons have other feelings and start to make stupid things, for example stealing money or smoking.
I think that this movie influenzas people negative, who have the same problems as Jim Carroll.
Then they have bad feelings and a movie like basketball diaries animates persons to do the same like in the film, e.g. running amok.
The parents should educate their children strict, but not too strict.
In our English lessons we watched the movie “The Basketball Diaries” I think it shows, in a dramatically but real way, what it means to be addictive to drugs.
It shows the unprotected and free fall of a young man from a pretty good college student to a poor, homeless and prosecuting drug addicted fellow.
I think this sentence is what describes the whole film the best way.
A few years ago a boy ran amok with the style that is shown in this movie.
If somebody has a full planned day he won’t be very interested of getting himself down through some pills.
The birth of an artist means, that he also began to write poems and that he knows what he can effect by taking drugs.
Sometimes, the accent of the actors is hard to understand, but if you listen careful, you would understand the most part.
All in all it is better when this film is only shown to the older pupils, because there are some scenes which should not shown people under 16 years.
It is a really good movie to prevent young people, because it is a really story.
This sentence means that many people lost their innocence, why they take drugs or they run amok.
Many people recognize that drugs are very harmful for their body.
A lot of famous movie stars or writer make a book of their horrible life and tell the people the negative site of drugs.
A great example is Robbie Williams, he stopped his career because he need drugs all day.
The movie illustrates a young boy he was a very good sportsman and his horrible future.
Smoking or drinking alcohol is a step under the drugs.
I think this movie not influenzas young people to run amok.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The young children have often other reasons for example bad marks at school, no home or a lot of other things.
The government should introduce stranger punishments for young aggressive children.
I really think that this film could prevent young people from taking drugs, except you are a little bit crazy and you think that it’s cool when you are high and no more recognizing what happens all around you.
But when you see just the end of the film, you never mind that the man who is sitting on a stage, the light shines just on him, and he’s reading a book- a special book.
If he would have not taken drugs, he would have never written his diary that way.

Maybe they can solve their problems that way, least with themselves.
Hopefully the situation is getting better and everybody learns to estimate life.
The film shows the dramatically way of an 16-year-old guy.
At first he was a pretty good college student than he changed to a poor, homeless, prostitution and prosecuting drug addicted fellow.
I think this sentence describe this story in the best way.
so they often want to start away from their problems with drugs or alcohol.
Michi 3.Person S!!!
Because things like that are happening every day also in Austria but with not so much force.
And that’s very sad for us because we could help these kids who came on the track.
The most fucking thing is that everyone says that they will help but when someone needs everybody shows him the cold shoulder.
It is not improbable that with of us happen the same things like these boys.
You are faster on the wrong way as on the good way.
Then they are realizing what this want to say to our community.
But for running amok it is more difficult to help but this is a thing you can’t see in the eyes, you can see it only in his soul.
and they begin to taking drugs
After this period of life they have experienced a lot and so they are often become a very well artist or writer.
This movie shows the vicious circle of drugs very good.
In this period of life often you are successful in life too.
But in the last few months of his life he experienced that he had lung cancer and this months were rally horrible. n he doesn’t get this stuff he gets withdraw symptoms.
In the one hand I think so.
In my opinion it is very difficult to help these people because often they have problems in their life since they are children.
So I think it is very hard to help these people because they have nobody to speak and often nobody want to realize it that something is wrong with this person and after an amok run it is too late…
The true story of the death of the innocence means, that Jim Carroll trashes his whole life by taking drugs and drinking too much alcohol.
I think when you will take drugs you don’t stop it through this movie.
I think in Austria it isn’t so because there the people are “saner”.
But in America I think that it can happen because there the people are more ruthless and they get faster and very easy to weapons.
I think to forbid drugs and alcohol (until 16 or 18 years) is not the whole and best solution,
I think the gun controlling law should be harder and the punishment should be harder.
Lot of artists begins to taking drugs because they are very stressed in your life and they found her solution in the drugs.
The same situation was with Jim Carroll at first he begins with taking drugs and later he begins with writing books.
This film is a very good example for kids or young people what can happen when you taking drugs.
A very big problem with drugs is the kids can lose your control or get problems with the police
At first is always ok he is in a basketball team with his friends and his family is nice and has no problems.
Suddenly he is very bad in the school and gets problems with his family the sport teacher begins with terror and so he begins with taking drugs.
So is very good when you shock young people because they see the other side of the drugs.
Do this paragraph I want to say it is better when you show it the young people what can happen as you say it is too hard for the kids.
The best solution is when you say kids what can happen. Because when you say the problems and the negative sides of drugs, so lose the teenagers the interesting about it.
It is a dramatically film about drugs and what drugs can make with people.
When he starts taking drugs, his life changed from a pretty life into a horrible life.
As he made a detoxification, his live got better and better.
Jim Carrol knew the difference between a normal life and a life with drugs as center point.
At first Jim was a good sportsman, but when he starts to take drugs he lose his friends, his mom and his home.
On the other hand it is a fail, because young people could try to take drugs.
The police should more control at night in parks and in discos.
There is one scene in the movie which shows how desperate she was. “Jim knocks at his mothers door and cries for help, for money.
The ones at the countryside were not so affected, because there were not so many dealers.
When you show this film to physic labile persons it really can be reason why they run amok.
In my opinion it is false to produce films for kids, under the 12th birthday, with wars.
To prevent young people of taking drugs is a very demanding work.
To see the life of a young man who takes drugs and all what happens to him in this time is not a film for me.
And by telling his story and preventing young people of taking drugs he became an artist and maybe even more famous than as basketball player.
The Story of the artists begins with an age of 14 years.
He started to take drugs and was dependent on it. After a time he can’t go to school, he was not allowed to go home.
Now at last, in the age of 18, he was arrested for a few months and stopped to take drugs.
In my opinion I would say that the movie is very interesting because you see the consequences if you would take drugs.
I wouldn’t say this because for some amok-disasters are brutality games responsible and not so movies. Basically you can’t say who is responsible for such terror attack.
It sounds easily, but it isn’t because some cities are to big to get control of the whole region.
But I think we can make the best out of it and we can not blame always everybody for our fate, because it is sometimes our own fault.
Maybe people are aware of the dangers drugs can harm, if they have seen this
film. But on the other side if people want to take drugs, they do…No Film can prevent from this, but you eaven know the dangers and what drugs make out of you.
also think that Leonardo di Caprio is a great artist which plays actually very very good in the film basketball diaries. (also in titanic=)). I think the rule of Jim Carroll really suits Leo and the film is fabulous.
In this movie Jim Carroll was a good basketball player in his school team but he was taking drugs and so he lost the ground under his feet.
Later he was an artist in his genre.
The movie was very great and the actors played very good.
In the beginning, it tastes good but it can quickly lead to dependence.
I don’t know if these films prevent young people to take drugs.
Yes, I thing that these films can prevent young people to run amok.
We can also restrict films or computer games with a high violent rate to people who are over 18 years.
But there is no absolutely safeness of people who have a very bad intention to run amok.
I think it means that Jim Carroll lost all his shy about the life.
He takes drugs, he lost his home, he lost his virginity, he rob a restaurant, go to the grain, and so an.
And then he find out, with the help of his neighbour hood friend, that’s there other things in life that make you happy.
I think Leonardo DiCaprio is really a good artist and without him I think the move won’t be so good.
The bad thing is that some people run amok due this film.
I must say that I don’t understand why this is happen, because when I saw this film I haven’t the feeling to kill people.
Everybody has its own opinion of a story like this and maybe it is a warning for young boys and girls
On the one hand I don’t think that a normal person runs amok when it sees this film, because there exists so many film with force and weapons in the story.
On the other hand I think this film is not the only reason for people to run amok, because some young people also have many problems in their life.
In this movie you can see it very good.
I think the movie is very good. The film is interesting, exiting and have a great action.
The movie describe us the life of many teenagers. They have false friends, they are trying drugs and then they are falling deeper and deeper.
Or they are influenced from other films or computer games.
With the time Jim needed more and more money to bought drugs and so he stole money from his mother and got more and more criminal.
His mother needs must to kick him out of the apartment because she did not known what she should do with him.
Therefore he lived in the streets of New York for some time.
Drugs are also a very big problem in our time.
But why did people take drugs?
In my opinion I think we should talk more about that thinks and we should alighted our kids as early as possible.
When people have not got a need to take drugs than the consumption is shrinking.
Another offer could be that the police control the border grimmer that not so much drugs are smuggling into the land.
But I think it’s good, because also in some cities of Austria things like that happened nearly everyday.
It is better to see such a film with seventeen or eighteen otherwise you misses the point.
Maybe such a film can influence mental unstable people a little bit to do horrible things.
The parents educated their kids very bad. Often they are bad at school.
So it is very important that every child get a good education.
You can say nearly in another world and in this world most of that people which taking drugs do many incredible things.
When you take drugs you are in a very dangerous condition. You can say nearly in another world and in this world most of that people which taking drugs do many incredible things.
This movie is very hard because it shows how it is when you get dependent of drugs.
In my opinion this film is very good, because it show us how it is when you have a problem with drugs.
In other countries like the United States of America this film could make young people to run amok because when the young people see this film they get an impression of it.
Young people often have problems in school, their friends or with their family and when they have no other ideas they take drugs, committed crimes and in very bad situations they killed themselves or other people.
Yes, it´s a really good idea to make such films or describe lives of former drug user to prevent young people from taking drugs.
It prevent young people much more from drugs than just a poster or if somebody just say “don´t take drugs”.
The reason why people run amok is because they have a lot of problem with their life in different life situations.
Maybe someone is planning to run amok and search for the way how he is doing that is influenced by such scenes, but he also will run amok without seeing such scenes when he has planned such a cruel act.
Second : the produce of drugs must be stopped and that’s the first thing what´s nearly impossible because with drugs you can make a lot money and so the drug production will never stop.
This means that a young brilliant boy who has very good chances to come in a famous basketball team leave his innocence because his best friends take drugs and he wanted to be cool so he also take drugs. And then he can’t leave it.
The police should more control at night in parks and in discos. In school nobody should be an outsider and when someone is bad in school everyone should help him.
In our English lessons we watched the movie “The Basketball Diaries”. This sentence means that many people lost their innocence, why they take drugs or they run amok.
They also commit crimes and prostitute them to get money for his drugs.
The birth of the autor means that he also take drugs but he survived the really difficult situation in his life.
The people in the cities should think more about this problem with drugs.
So I think it is very hard to help these people because they have nobody to speak and often nobody want to realize it that something is wrong with this person and after an amok run it is too late.
First he was not depanded on drugs but then he took more and more. Beside he always wrote a diary.
The scene with the amok run is not so good because in america a guy try this.
The film is also really hard and not for too young students because they often say fuck and use the new yorker slang.
In the older times young people stay at home with fourteen, in this time they go out and try everything and get everything in the cities.
The parents have to prevent them from drugs and doesn´t let them go out and show them the consequences.
The computer games are not always be the reason for amok runs.
In the school they teachers should show films and punish young people who take drugs.
Jim Carroll showed us how it is easy to take drugs and to destroy your life.
Maybe for some people is this movie a reason to run amok.
They are not so hard but these little soft drugs bring you to addict of them.
But I think it is very hard to help this people because many of them won’t to speak about their problems and won’t no help.
Basketball diaries was a very informative movie for me, because it is hard to understand the troubles of a young boy in a big city.
The artist had lost his innocense because he drunk very much and he had taken very much and differently drugs.
Sometimes the artists have to start with smoking or have to drink a lot and sometimes they have to eat a very much. Only that they get the film part and earn money.
No. I think that nobody change his mind because of a film.
Everyone have his own story and life in his own film and so everyone have do decide about the life.
In my opinion we can do nothing. When some people life in a good environment they never will do things like that. Only people in very bad perhaps will do this.
At first he takes only “soft drugs” like Alcohol and cigarettes. Than the situation become worse and he begins with “hard drugs” like Extasie or Heroin.
I think that the author of this movie would make teenager become afraid of taking drugs.
One reason is that only people who have no friends or play the whole day computer games like call of duty run amok.
When Leonardo di Carprio drink only anti alcoholic drinks and say often alcohol makes you brain death the young people will think about it and make it real.
I think that this film is a good example for a very bad life of a young man how doesn´t know something about the consequences of drugs.
But I think this is also a reason because everybody think that he´s so good and therefore he has problems with his life and so he doesn´t want to be this boy.
And one time it was to much.
Not everybody how take drugs died, but it can be when it´s too much.
Because everybody says that this is only a film and this happened nod to him because he only take some drugs and that’s no problem.
You can show consequences in the TV or the best I think can be when young peoplr how finished to take drugs talk with other young people about the problems.
In my opinion it also means to loose every respect and to kick the honour of living as a self-thinking human being into the ass.

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