Friday 13 November 2009

Right or Wrong 3b Drugs 13.1109

Right or Wrong 3b Drugs 13. 11. 09
So it would be better, if drug dependant get not in a jail but have medical and psychological care against this disease
Because if this would be reality, more people would take drugs as before.
And that renews the question, why the government is not able to legalize the drugs.
This article should give some ideas to solve the troubles.
Some people believe that it will be better, if drugs would be legal.
The people would have always when they use drugs lot of fun and entertainment
One reason why the government maybe will do this is to release drug dealers out of the overcrowded jails, to economize money, or to soften bloodthirsty gangs, nobody knows it!
Today many are unhappy with their life.
All addicts had to visit these aid agencies and make therapies and sessions until they could live without drugs. I think this is a much better way than go to prison.
The government in the US says that drugs are horrible for the humans.
Some people said also that drugs are not criminal.
I can imagine that very much people are gonna die, because they can legally take drugs till they are dead.
It means that there are always conflicts with people who deal with drugs and people who use illegal drugs- when drugs where legal, this problem was disappeared.
But in the majority of cases they feel when the drug effect is going down, so they shoot drugs again.
The bloodthirsty gang wars will reduces rapidly. Because when the addicts can buy the drugs legal and they could be safety that the drugs in the pharmacy are 100 per cent clean.
I think that these politicians don’t do something good for the general public when they legalized drugs.
For some people it is terrible that drugs are legalized,
So nobody will be able to control the drug taking
Many think that legalizing the drugs is good because the problem with the dealers and illegal taking of drugs would disappear.
I think these problems get higher and higher,
When we remember the law from 1914- 1988 in the USA, at this 74 years alcohol was forbid for everybody.
All hope if drugs are legalized many problems solve from even.
Drugs are very dangerous they made us addicted and change our personality.
Alcohol is a danger if we excessive use it,
Many people think it´s such a joke that some politician wants to legalize drugs
They say if there are fewer dealers the prison is not so full of dealers who only deals with soft drugs.
One reason why politicans maybe will do this is to release drug dealers out of the overcrowded jails, to economize money, or to soften bloodthirsty gangs, nobody knows it!
Then the police are overwhelmed and need more officers. At least the government must spend the money at additionally personal what they earned with the drug tax.
But is would drugs really be “the problem” in a modern world?
And another big problem is the infection of bad afflictions. About the injection these afflictions can infect the other pupils.
In our culture alcohol is a part of it. It’s not only to celebrate some things and binge drinking.
When you drive to Graz in the city park there are the dealers and you can get every drug what you want.
But when you need it then it is probably.
One of these advantages is that the number of drug dealer became lesser and lesser and they can’t sell drugs which are racked with dangerous substances.
At the beginning her parents’ don’t know it, but later they influenced to make a deprivation.
This weard thoughts are provided by the people who think that the drug wars which are since 1914 were sensless.
They also think that it would be better if there would be no drugs but they accept that this is hardly possible and that there is more peace this way.
Because they have such a high dependency.
There will be more accidents then jet because the people are all under anesthetic.
that they can hurt their body’s.
In these text they also see the side of make money with selling drugs to the public.
Know I will bring you my opinion nearer
If they legalize drugs in America, it will get a big chaos The people witch was against this idea only want a dope-free-nation.
In my view drugs should be illegal, because of the high risk to get depended on.
In the most times they were really dangerous for the body.
The text „Thinking the unthinkable“, handles the topic Legalize drugs
For some politicians the best way to curtail drugs is,

Sunday 8 November 2009

Right or wrong 5b 081109

The birth of an artist means in some way that Jim´s dreams come true someday, but not yet.
You can see the terrible streets of gangs, drugs, crime, where the kids have no certainly future.
Furthermore the after- effects and withdrawal symptoms of drugs is very good shown, so you can see how terrible and brutally it is if a guy is drug addicted.
Those children believe that it’s a normal thing when someone starts to smoke with 11, drinking beer heavily or even taking drugs like cocaine and some other deadly stuff.
No one wants to become an artist by this cruel way.
One fried of them dies in a very young age by the implication of leukaemia.
It maybe could help to not go the same way yourself.
I think it means the unpredictable things who could happen.
It´s easier to fall deep before to get somebody popular.
The character Jim is made for Leonardo DiCaprio.
A better example is the movie “Wir Kinder vom Bahnhof Zoo“ to scare teenagers.
I don´t think so that a film is quilty for running amok.
Children who live in a word where nobody is there to learn them behaviour, it will be hard for them to get a straight person.
A stricter law – stricter punishment
in a short space of time.
Jim and a friend of him quit school and they become masters of survive.
The police should more control in discos or on the road.
The action of this film does never lose because Jim Carroll comes from one disaster into another disaster.
then they are possible to running amok.
Jim Carroll gets help and will become famous with his poems.
Finally he went back on the right way.
He has no money for his drugs and so he prostitude himself for 35 $.
At first he had played every day basketball and had much fun with his friends but in one day he began to take drugs.
I think this film is very brutally but it is a true story and so we see that this was real.
It depends on what they feel and what future they have in life but not on if there are some people killed in a film.
But it also shows us that we can become immune of drugs.
The action of this film does never lose because Jim Carroll comes from one disaster into another disaster.
There are a great number of brutal films or video games, were people are killed in, but everybody watches these movies. Therefore more people would run amok, but it’s not so.
These doings are carefully planned, but the deliberations are rash decision.
“The death of the innocence” means the part of the movie in which Jim Carroll acquainted what happened when somebody is taken drugs.
In his book, Jim Carroll wanted to show the reader, how near success and decline are together. Better close!!

Monday 2 November 2009

Right or wrong 2s 1.11.09

There were many things I have done but not really exiting.
It was already not so good, because the wheather was very fine, and I had to sit in the classroom. After the Drivers License I was at home and worked in agriculture and in the house.
I like learning and attending school and my brain was not working enough in holidays.
I had very much fun in my holiday.
There I had a little accident. I had to extinguish a fat brand.
It was ever very hot in the stable. I also often went rake.
One week I were on the albp because I must cut down the trees around our alpin cabine.
And I also have done my car driver.
IN the last weekend I were hiking on our house mountain with my family. At the last day of my holidays I were shopping.
The next day wasn’t so good because we had to do the cleaning and this was quite strong!
Sometime it was very busy but I liked my work very much and the most time it was a lot of fun
In the H2O Therme there is especialy a pool- bar.It was a relaxing week.
Normally my horse is in the near of graz at a forcast.
Well I also studied for my examination, but as it turned out too few.
The work was most the time the same. In the morning at five o clock I stand up and shouted “Hou,hou,hoouuu…..” to let in the 28 cows on our alpine pasture. Than I had to milk 14 brown swiss cows and washed the milking machinery.
If the weather was not stabile I did the stable work and other works like : repair the machinery, grind the knifes or cut weed, little trees and shrubs.
At two Sundays at begin September I carried a female and one male calf from the mountain pasture into the stable and provided them and also their mothers, and after I had done this, my friend “Andi” and I had had two specially hiking- climbing tours.
It was phenomenal to saw some friends after the “long” holidays.
I also had to plane the fertilization plan.
All in all the holidays were very fun and I could enjoy them a little bit.
The bad side at the school beginning is that I have to drive to school and home every week and that’s really expensive, because of the petrol.
The following two weeks I doesn´t do anything.
One time in summer holidays it had rained so much that the stream by side our house grows dangerous and from one to another second the water streams into our garage and boiler room,
So I had only some opportunities to practise English in holidays.
On the on hand I am very happy when the school started because I must work hard at home and on a building site and on other hand the holiday was too shortly.
As a Green keeper I often mow the grassland and sometimes I pour the flowers.
The honey site of the holidays I often went with my friends in disco´s and pubs.
It was Saturday. I would drive with my car to my grandfather and we would go hunt. Two hours before it rains very heavy and the street was very glibber. I drove with my car over the Rechberg and I lost the control from my car and I have an accident.
I had much work and the time was passing by very fast.
I like learning and attending school and my brain was not working enough in holidays.
In August I was with my boyfriend on holidays in the east of Tyrol for four days.
It’s really cool to be the own boss.
There I also earned money and I also learnt a much how to work in such kitchens.
After these nine weeks I looked forward to come back to Raumberg and I was happy that school has started again.
In the middle of August I was operated by my right knee, because I hurt it by a football match in the year 2006.
I had some heights and depths.
In this summer we begin to build the party barn for our tournaments.
The two weeks where too short and so I have to fly home.
When I arrived at home I went to Podersdorf am See, because I partake on the Podersdorfer triathlon.
Stick to the same TENSE!!!!!
The main actor is Jim Carrol, played from Leonardo DiCaprio.
Jim has no father. When he grows up he began to smoke with his friends.
I also think that this film hasn´t a positive effect to run amok.
First I want to say that this is a very dramatic and impressive movie which base on the true life of Jim Carroll.
The next shocking thing was as Jim prostitute his self to get more drugs.
In my opinion the registered Scott Kalvert, wants to show what happens when a young handsome smart boy takes drugs and throw his live away.
With the death of the innocence he maybe wants to say, that a lot of innocence people die of taking and selling drugs.
I think that he write this play to care some pupils from the same mistake what he have made.
think that Jim Carroll was only able to write this “memories”, while he made such cruel experiences.
In my opinion the law should make it more difficult to become drugs!
What I want to say is that these games and these movies aren’t the primarily reason that young people run amok!The gets mobbed and discriminated. In these games they can live their aggressiveness out!
I think there are many important actions in the movie which you don’t observe at the first time when you watch the movie only once.
But sometimes it is difficult to understand and to continue this movie.
Especially I think that this movie means that they only can exist when they only take care about their own.
My opinion about that movie is, that it is a good way to prevent young people from entering the wrong turn.
To have right friends is very important, because when teenagers have friends witch take drugs they sometimes also start with taking them.
Especially I think that this movie means that they only can exist when they only take care about their own.
Leonardo DiCaprio played the roll of Jim Carol very good and we can learn much about this movie.
When they need drugs and had no money they sold the body this is the deep point in some cases.
They will support you when you do something.
If Leo DiCaprio would be a good boy, he would never be such a famous basketball player. But it isn´t good that he started to take drugs, because he became addicted.
At some scene they spoke too fast and I understand the actors very hard.
If you drink sometimes alcohol this is not a problem but you need more and more drugs and alcohol you turn into a junky and you were addicted.
have to say that is also a good thing how to scare pupils to run amok. In the movie every person saw which consequences there are when you take drugs and drink too much alcohol. You destroy your live. You destroy yourself
The scene in which Jim wanted to stop doing drugs was so impressive.
Jim is a exception. I think the fewest oft drug addicted people get out of this scene and can start a normal live.
And often many people arrested also when they were innocent.
He also means his deeps and the highs - simply the whole tender.
Movies like this couldn’t make young people to run amok. I think so.
This film acts from a live change of an teenager and his fall into a cruel situation the drug vicious circle.
He plays very good basketball and is with four friends of his class in a famous top basketball team.
During the matches one of the boys go always in the locker room and steel there the clocks and wallets of opposes.
They went together out to have fun and a nice day but final in a peepshow the friend gets angry and wanted to go back to hospital, maybe he knows that he never become healthy and will die soon.
The best way to prevent our youth of taking drugs and running amok is an good association, good friens and one believe.
People can become artists through different ways.
In my opinion the phrase: ,,The true story of the death of innocence and the birth of an artist”, means that everyone of us has to grow up, someones grow up faster than others not.
The puberty can be very intensive, as we can see in the film, and it also can be harmless.
This movie shows us how terrible life can be and in wich big problems you can come.
In my view this film can not be responsible for any amok runnings. To say that only this film is responsible for an amok run is nonsense because there must be many other reasons to do such horrible things.
First I want to say that it is a good film which shows the life of american boys whos quitting the school.
In my opinion if the boy didn´t went to prison, and if he didn´t commit crimes he wouldn´t become an artist.
Sometimes they become murderer.
I can´t imagine that any people will commit crime for a while after seeing that film. In my view the film let ones to think about what all can happen if they do something similar.
In my view ones would be shocked after seeing that film, but not to get aggressive.
In the worst way you going to take drugs or do a crime.
So innocence pupil had to die that everybody know´s who Jim Carroll is. And a new “artist” called Jim Carroll is born.
You destroy your live. You destroy yourself.
Right or wrong 5a / Basketball Diaries

It means that a man lost his innocence through drugs and he made a lot of stupid things.
And he began to realize that it is better to change the life and so Jim Carroll starts to write books and poets.
The next point I would like to make is that we see, through the addict of drugs, persons have other feelings and start to make stupid things, for example stealing money or smoking.
I think that this movie influenzas people negative, who have the same problems as Jim Carroll.
Then they have bad feelings and a movie like basketball diaries animates persons to do the same like in the film, e.g. running amok.
The parents should educate their children strict, but not too strict.
In our English lessons we watched the movie “The Basketball Diaries” I think it shows, in a dramatically but real way, what it means to be addictive to drugs.
It shows the unprotected and free fall of a young man from a pretty good college student to a poor, homeless and prosecuting drug addicted fellow.
I think this sentence is what describes the whole film the best way.
A few years ago a boy ran amok with the style that is shown in this movie.
If somebody has a full planned day he won’t be very interested of getting himself down through some pills.
The birth of an artist means, that he also began to write poems and that he knows what he can effect by taking drugs.
Sometimes, the accent of the actors is hard to understand, but if you listen careful, you would understand the most part.
All in all it is better when this film is only shown to the older pupils, because there are some scenes which should not shown people under 16 years.
It is a really good movie to prevent young people, because it is a really story.
This sentence means that many people lost their innocence, why they take drugs or they run amok.
Many people recognize that drugs are very harmful for their body.
A lot of famous movie stars or writer make a book of their horrible life and tell the people the negative site of drugs.
A great example is Robbie Williams, he stopped his career because he need drugs all day.
The movie illustrates a young boy he was a very good sportsman and his horrible future.
Smoking or drinking alcohol is a step under the drugs.
I think this movie not influenzas young people to run amok.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The young children have often other reasons for example bad marks at school, no home or a lot of other things.
The government should introduce stranger punishments for young aggressive children.
I really think that this film could prevent young people from taking drugs, except you are a little bit crazy and you think that it’s cool when you are high and no more recognizing what happens all around you.
But when you see just the end of the film, you never mind that the man who is sitting on a stage, the light shines just on him, and he’s reading a book- a special book.
If he would have not taken drugs, he would have never written his diary that way.

Maybe they can solve their problems that way, least with themselves.
Hopefully the situation is getting better and everybody learns to estimate life.
The film shows the dramatically way of an 16-year-old guy.
At first he was a pretty good college student than he changed to a poor, homeless, prostitution and prosecuting drug addicted fellow.
I think this sentence describe this story in the best way.
so they often want to start away from their problems with drugs or alcohol.
Michi 3.Person S!!!
Because things like that are happening every day also in Austria but with not so much force.
And that’s very sad for us because we could help these kids who came on the track.
The most fucking thing is that everyone says that they will help but when someone needs everybody shows him the cold shoulder.
It is not improbable that with of us happen the same things like these boys.
You are faster on the wrong way as on the good way.
Then they are realizing what this want to say to our community.
But for running amok it is more difficult to help but this is a thing you can’t see in the eyes, you can see it only in his soul.
and they begin to taking drugs
After this period of life they have experienced a lot and so they are often become a very well artist or writer.
This movie shows the vicious circle of drugs very good.
In this period of life often you are successful in life too.
But in the last few months of his life he experienced that he had lung cancer and this months were rally horrible. n he doesn’t get this stuff he gets withdraw symptoms.
In the one hand I think so.
In my opinion it is very difficult to help these people because often they have problems in their life since they are children.
So I think it is very hard to help these people because they have nobody to speak and often nobody want to realize it that something is wrong with this person and after an amok run it is too late…
The true story of the death of the innocence means, that Jim Carroll trashes his whole life by taking drugs and drinking too much alcohol.
I think when you will take drugs you don’t stop it through this movie.
I think in Austria it isn’t so because there the people are “saner”.
But in America I think that it can happen because there the people are more ruthless and they get faster and very easy to weapons.
I think to forbid drugs and alcohol (until 16 or 18 years) is not the whole and best solution,
I think the gun controlling law should be harder and the punishment should be harder.
Lot of artists begins to taking drugs because they are very stressed in your life and they found her solution in the drugs.
The same situation was with Jim Carroll at first he begins with taking drugs and later he begins with writing books.
This film is a very good example for kids or young people what can happen when you taking drugs.
A very big problem with drugs is the kids can lose your control or get problems with the police
At first is always ok he is in a basketball team with his friends and his family is nice and has no problems.
Suddenly he is very bad in the school and gets problems with his family the sport teacher begins with terror and so he begins with taking drugs.
So is very good when you shock young people because they see the other side of the drugs.
Do this paragraph I want to say it is better when you show it the young people what can happen as you say it is too hard for the kids.
The best solution is when you say kids what can happen. Because when you say the problems and the negative sides of drugs, so lose the teenagers the interesting about it.
It is a dramatically film about drugs and what drugs can make with people.
When he starts taking drugs, his life changed from a pretty life into a horrible life.
As he made a detoxification, his live got better and better.
Jim Carrol knew the difference between a normal life and a life with drugs as center point.
At first Jim was a good sportsman, but when he starts to take drugs he lose his friends, his mom and his home.
On the other hand it is a fail, because young people could try to take drugs.
The police should more control at night in parks and in discos.
There is one scene in the movie which shows how desperate she was. “Jim knocks at his mothers door and cries for help, for money.
The ones at the countryside were not so affected, because there were not so many dealers.
When you show this film to physic labile persons it really can be reason why they run amok.
In my opinion it is false to produce films for kids, under the 12th birthday, with wars.
To prevent young people of taking drugs is a very demanding work.
To see the life of a young man who takes drugs and all what happens to him in this time is not a film for me.
And by telling his story and preventing young people of taking drugs he became an artist and maybe even more famous than as basketball player.
The Story of the artists begins with an age of 14 years.
He started to take drugs and was dependent on it. After a time he can’t go to school, he was not allowed to go home.
Now at last, in the age of 18, he was arrested for a few months and stopped to take drugs.
In my opinion I would say that the movie is very interesting because you see the consequences if you would take drugs.
I wouldn’t say this because for some amok-disasters are brutality games responsible and not so movies. Basically you can’t say who is responsible for such terror attack.
It sounds easily, but it isn’t because some cities are to big to get control of the whole region.
But I think we can make the best out of it and we can not blame always everybody for our fate, because it is sometimes our own fault.
Maybe people are aware of the dangers drugs can harm, if they have seen this
film. But on the other side if people want to take drugs, they do…No Film can prevent from this, but you eaven know the dangers and what drugs make out of you.
also think that Leonardo di Caprio is a great artist which plays actually very very good in the film basketball diaries. (also in titanic=)). I think the rule of Jim Carroll really suits Leo and the film is fabulous.
In this movie Jim Carroll was a good basketball player in his school team but he was taking drugs and so he lost the ground under his feet.
Later he was an artist in his genre.
The movie was very great and the actors played very good.
In the beginning, it tastes good but it can quickly lead to dependence.
I don’t know if these films prevent young people to take drugs.
Yes, I thing that these films can prevent young people to run amok.
We can also restrict films or computer games with a high violent rate to people who are over 18 years.
But there is no absolutely safeness of people who have a very bad intention to run amok.
I think it means that Jim Carroll lost all his shy about the life.
He takes drugs, he lost his home, he lost his virginity, he rob a restaurant, go to the grain, and so an.
And then he find out, with the help of his neighbour hood friend, that’s there other things in life that make you happy.
I think Leonardo DiCaprio is really a good artist and without him I think the move won’t be so good.
The bad thing is that some people run amok due this film.
I must say that I don’t understand why this is happen, because when I saw this film I haven’t the feeling to kill people.
Everybody has its own opinion of a story like this and maybe it is a warning for young boys and girls
On the one hand I don’t think that a normal person runs amok when it sees this film, because there exists so many film with force and weapons in the story.
On the other hand I think this film is not the only reason for people to run amok, because some young people also have many problems in their life.
In this movie you can see it very good.
I think the movie is very good. The film is interesting, exiting and have a great action.
The movie describe us the life of many teenagers. They have false friends, they are trying drugs and then they are falling deeper and deeper.
Or they are influenced from other films or computer games.
With the time Jim needed more and more money to bought drugs and so he stole money from his mother and got more and more criminal.
His mother needs must to kick him out of the apartment because she did not known what she should do with him.
Therefore he lived in the streets of New York for some time.
Drugs are also a very big problem in our time.
But why did people take drugs?
In my opinion I think we should talk more about that thinks and we should alighted our kids as early as possible.
When people have not got a need to take drugs than the consumption is shrinking.
Another offer could be that the police control the border grimmer that not so much drugs are smuggling into the land.
But I think it’s good, because also in some cities of Austria things like that happened nearly everyday.
It is better to see such a film with seventeen or eighteen otherwise you misses the point.
Maybe such a film can influence mental unstable people a little bit to do horrible things.
The parents educated their kids very bad. Often they are bad at school.
So it is very important that every child get a good education.
You can say nearly in another world and in this world most of that people which taking drugs do many incredible things.
When you take drugs you are in a very dangerous condition. You can say nearly in another world and in this world most of that people which taking drugs do many incredible things.
This movie is very hard because it shows how it is when you get dependent of drugs.
In my opinion this film is very good, because it show us how it is when you have a problem with drugs.
In other countries like the United States of America this film could make young people to run amok because when the young people see this film they get an impression of it.
Young people often have problems in school, their friends or with their family and when they have no other ideas they take drugs, committed crimes and in very bad situations they killed themselves or other people.
Yes, it´s a really good idea to make such films or describe lives of former drug user to prevent young people from taking drugs.
It prevent young people much more from drugs than just a poster or if somebody just say “don´t take drugs”.
The reason why people run amok is because they have a lot of problem with their life in different life situations.
Maybe someone is planning to run amok and search for the way how he is doing that is influenced by such scenes, but he also will run amok without seeing such scenes when he has planned such a cruel act.
Second : the produce of drugs must be stopped and that’s the first thing what´s nearly impossible because with drugs you can make a lot money and so the drug production will never stop.
This means that a young brilliant boy who has very good chances to come in a famous basketball team leave his innocence because his best friends take drugs and he wanted to be cool so he also take drugs. And then he can’t leave it.
The police should more control at night in parks and in discos. In school nobody should be an outsider and when someone is bad in school everyone should help him.
In our English lessons we watched the movie “The Basketball Diaries”. This sentence means that many people lost their innocence, why they take drugs or they run amok.
They also commit crimes and prostitute them to get money for his drugs.
The birth of the autor means that he also take drugs but he survived the really difficult situation in his life.
The people in the cities should think more about this problem with drugs.
So I think it is very hard to help these people because they have nobody to speak and often nobody want to realize it that something is wrong with this person and after an amok run it is too late.
First he was not depanded on drugs but then he took more and more. Beside he always wrote a diary.
The scene with the amok run is not so good because in america a guy try this.
The film is also really hard and not for too young students because they often say fuck and use the new yorker slang.
In the older times young people stay at home with fourteen, in this time they go out and try everything and get everything in the cities.
The parents have to prevent them from drugs and doesn´t let them go out and show them the consequences.
The computer games are not always be the reason for amok runs.
In the school they teachers should show films and punish young people who take drugs.
Jim Carroll showed us how it is easy to take drugs and to destroy your life.
Maybe for some people is this movie a reason to run amok.
They are not so hard but these little soft drugs bring you to addict of them.
But I think it is very hard to help this people because many of them won’t to speak about their problems and won’t no help.
Basketball diaries was a very informative movie for me, because it is hard to understand the troubles of a young boy in a big city.
The artist had lost his innocense because he drunk very much and he had taken very much and differently drugs.
Sometimes the artists have to start with smoking or have to drink a lot and sometimes they have to eat a very much. Only that they get the film part and earn money.
No. I think that nobody change his mind because of a film.
Everyone have his own story and life in his own film and so everyone have do decide about the life.
In my opinion we can do nothing. When some people life in a good environment they never will do things like that. Only people in very bad perhaps will do this.
At first he takes only “soft drugs” like Alcohol and cigarettes. Than the situation become worse and he begins with “hard drugs” like Extasie or Heroin.
I think that the author of this movie would make teenager become afraid of taking drugs.
One reason is that only people who have no friends or play the whole day computer games like call of duty run amok.
When Leonardo di Carprio drink only anti alcoholic drinks and say often alcohol makes you brain death the young people will think about it and make it real.
I think that this film is a good example for a very bad life of a young man how doesn´t know something about the consequences of drugs.
But I think this is also a reason because everybody think that he´s so good and therefore he has problems with his life and so he doesn´t want to be this boy.
And one time it was to much.
Not everybody how take drugs died, but it can be when it´s too much.
Because everybody says that this is only a film and this happened nod to him because he only take some drugs and that’s no problem.
You can show consequences in the TV or the best I think can be when young peoplr how finished to take drugs talk with other young people about the problems.
In my opinion it also means to loose every respect and to kick the honour of living as a self-thinking human being into the ass.

Monday 28 September 2009

HW: 3a/b

My holiday was very nice.
There was the question how I felt when come back to Raumberg.
I had absolvent my practicum in Spittal/Drau in Carinthia.
It was nice and the people were friendly. I often go out.
This evening I played very long guitar.
Later we drove at my home in St. Veit and spoke very long about this very nice evening.
At first I thought “Oh no the school begin, not yet” but later I thought its good because I see all my friends again and the “Pinsl” too.
So I went to the doctor and at 4 o’clock PM I have my appendix operated on!
After this I drove to my cousin to the south styria.
I would not be sad if the holidays would last a little bit longer.
Secondly, I want telling you some about my leisure time.
I worked under the week and sometimes on the weekends I was going out to parties.
I thought me, yes I can. I want to here and we spoke about thinks. I was very nervous. We drinked a lot of drinks, laughing and dancing, I’m very happy.
I worked there as a butler.The fire-brigade of Altaussee sold about 30000l bear, 7500 chicken 8900 sausages, 2000l wine, 6500 bottles cola and fanta and 1500 kg chips. The fire –brigade will buy a new car from this money.
School friends teachers and other pupil are staring their school live again.
This company produce plasterboards.
Beside this I do often something with my friends in Bad Aussee.
After my practical training I also worked by a very huge company called the Nemetz.
I also were two weeks in our alm.
It was on the 15th september and I was on the way to raumberg. I tried to thought about my holiday while I was driving the car.
The only thing i dont like are the Englisch homeworks:).!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Every Wednesday we bring tourists from Feld am See with a big tractor to alpine pasture. My boss and me make music for our guests.
After the four weeks I had to helped a lot at home because my dad had an accident.
There was very much work. Every morning I stand up at five o’clock because I must feed the cows and milk them two times a day.
Some works like harvest grass were weather dependent.
But there were also other works like driving with the tractor when we mowed grass for winter.
There I helped at the farm and in the wood, but I also have been going out with friend and at the football plays.
All in all my holiday was really good, but I also missed sometimes my friends of the Raumberg-school.
At the first day Andrea came to me at home.
On the evening we drove with the train to Mautern, were Andrea live.
For example we often go swimming or go out all together.
It was real fun to stand up in the morning,
The first week I made nothing, because I needed a week to relax after the hard last weeks at school. Than I made my practical training at home.
But is was for me always a highlight, when I saw our home mountain, the Bosruck, in the sun shine behind our alpine hut.
From my boss the father died
By my practise there was just one thing I didn´t like and this was that I had got to get out of bed at five o`clock am.
The school year was ending, but beginning was my practical training. I do my practical training at a farm in the area in the near of the Wechsel in Hartberg.
I was very glad when the farmer said after the meal that I can sleep for an hour.
My mother and sister organized to behind me a party.
Every weekend I drove to Weiz. Here life my sweet girlfriend Kathi. At one weekend my sister, cosine, cousin, Kathi and I drove to Vienna.
Many days I learn for they the driving license.
I enjoy the nature and when I had sawn nothing I enjoyed the sun ending.
I also went very often to some parties and to some pubs. Because I celebrate my birthday. And before the parties there are often football plays.
We harvested difficult plants. After we dry them and clean the plants.
Let us turn after Croatia-stay to the last week at home.
The family was very nice and it was always fun with them.We had a lot of things to do, for examle cleaning the house, cooking, baking, to pick cherrys and make jam and also some other things.
I went swimming to the Grundlsee and laid at the beach nearly all day long.
We were drinking some beer and it was very fun.
Therefore, at 20.09.2009 my father and I bring the corn into the silo.
The negative site on my family’s trip was that on the first day in Italy somebody battered the site window of our bmw x3 and stole the passports and the money!
The most time I do sports or do things with my family,friend or with my boyfriend.
In this time I often went swimming, met my friends and rode my motorbike.
Then I help by the harvest. The next week, I have more free time. I was swimming, went out with friends and of course, we drink too much.
We had very much to do because on a farm there is allways a work.
I also started with the course for my driving licence and then I have began to drive for the 3000 kilometre, which I had must driven before I can pass the exam.
I’m raelly sad about that Jakob and Eckehart can’t start with us, because they were also a part from our class, but I’m sure that they will manage this year.
At some fields we didn’t drove with the tractor because it’s too steep.
It was a really long time and in the first weeks I did not think that I will hold out.
In the end I would still like to say that I don’t want to miss the time by the Wilds and I thank once again for the nice time there.
The first week at home was the best. I had nothing to do, sometimes I go swimming or ride my motorbike.
Two weeks before the school begans I rode with my friends four days to Ungarn
I hoped I would pass my re-eximination but i had learned to less.
At the second part in the summer I enjoy my holiday!
And many moment later my mom come to my room and said, “stand up, you have to go to school”.
It was a really special weekend for us because it was our only weekend what we had free to drive away.
I had a lot of luck with my chef. My chef was a really good typ.
At home I life in a little city, but this here was compared with home the jungle.
I count the days there, because at the most time I work in the house and with kids, you know that isn’t the best work for me.
The other 5 weeks I was at home, I must learn maths and chemie, I hate it.
The rest of the holidays I spent at home or at my grandparents place in Lower Austria, two times we stayed in Ischl and drove swimming in to the Altauseer Lake.
After one month I got 350€ and I drove home.

Friday 29 May 2009

Torture / Raumberg 4a

I´m glad that George W. Bushe is no longer the president of the US because he allowed such cruell things like torture.
In my oppinion torture is the wrong way to get informazion or confessions. Flo!
So Mr. Obama had to make a step and hi did it. I think the US citizen knew that with Barack Obama will come new energy to fight torture.
I think Barack Obama has made a good decision to ban the torture in the US.
The problems are this methods contravened against the human rights.
The person says this, because the pain is to hard.
The US governments have the license to attack the Iraq getting by the UNO.
And so say the person something what they want to do but he doesn´t to it. When you have see the films hostel and saw1-4 you know what I mean.
A got example for the "Torture" is America the country of boundless possibilities.For some years ago there was Georg W.Bush the president of the United States of America but this was not the problem the problem was that nobody knows something of the "Torture" in the jail of guantanamo.
And this is a very big pogress in the goverment of America and the whole world.I hobe that Obama have one more good ideas.
I am very glad that the torture is vorbidden in Austria and many other countries.
My oppinion about torture is that it is a very bad and cruel thing.
Sometimes there are persons under the victims who had done nothing.
Especially in the last few years more and more terrifying informations about torture in the United States and also in Austria became generally known.
The Cold Cell: The prisoner is left to stand naked in a cell kept near 50 degrees. Throughout the time in the cell the prisoner is doused with cold water.
A man lie on the ground and scream. His body is full of wounds. He was a soldier in the Iraq war an has been catched by the American soldiers.
Torture is to hurt somebody to find out some informations.
In my opinion torture should be banned! It’s really not humane it’s cruelly.
And people believe that torture so can help to rescue thousand of peoples live.
So I think the torturer must not a bad gay, but the man how give him the comment is the horrible person.
My advice is they should banned torture because is not humane! We are not animals!
Many children see every day tortures in films or cinemas.
But the concepts of the American people changed in the eight years when Bush had the force in the government.
In my opinion tortures are measures which are not humanely. The people in prisons are also humans than we


I am here now since four years and I thing that I am more intelligent then before, because in these four years I have learned a lot.
There are very good teachers who attempt to learn you a lot.
Today I had the honor to listen to the practice of your school teacher's band 'COME 4'.
From time to time I have learned a lot of friends.
But negative in the school is the meat. The students eat a lot of convenience foods, and sometimes the food is a little bit oversalt.
In Raumberg we have a lot of students they drive really fast and then, they have a car accident or others. Why the Raumberger students pass the exam by the easy drivers??!!The inhabitants protect the children for us....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Now, this was the challenge of anything to remember is that you might be changing. On this issue is not very much, because the learning very great.
A big problem is the lack of respect among the students. Younger pupils should respect the elderly, but they are not doing!
Since the third class of the secondary modern school I knew that I go to Raumberg, because it is a very good school.
But one thing is that isn´t so good. The practical lesson. We make and learn great things but we have too less hours.
Besides there you learn great things for your live.
I was also very fascinated that there are so much nice students in my class because in secondary modern school there was a very bad climate in the class
It sounds like a very good school to me so I decided to visit Raumberg on the “Tag der offenen Tür” and was very impressed in the different things you can do in Raumberg.
Three of my friends also tried to come with me to Raumberg but there notes haven’t been not good enough so they haven’t got the chance to go to such a good school.
It’s hard to find something what should be changed in Raumberg.There is nothing really worse what should be changed.
Also the Friday nights when we have lessons on Saturday are always funny *gg*.
A very great thing is on the one hand the relation between teachers and pupils and on the other hand the climate in the school and the collective in the classes.
In my opinion I think there are not so much negativ things.
It makes fun to go in school.
After Raumberg you can work in different directions. After this school you have a big knowledge about agriculture. Many Raumberger work as politics or the work on their farm at home.At this school you learn for your live.
Before I visit Raumberg to look the school, I was in Ursprung too.
I also know people who are spoken with me about the school because they want to come to the school, one of them are already here.
I disputed with my aunt what would be the best school and the result was Raumberg.
I remembered that I was at first the most time nervous and did not sleeped very much, because I did not acquainted with somebody.
I was very nervous because I didn`t know someone.
For example in our class at first everybody was nervous because nobody know something about the school life in Raumberg.
A other thing what you learn in Raumberg is teamwork because in Raumberg there is not very good when you are a lone fighter because you have a easyier life when you make something in a team.
I think it’s really the Raumberger spirit!My best time in my live was the time where I went to the boarding school, of course we do not everything well behaved but I have laughing every day!
He told me every time that this was one of his best things in his live.
When i came to Raumberg i was realy scared about this big school. But i allready have an great advantage because my brother and two guys who came from the same city attend Raumberg.
Today we are in the 4th class of Raumberg and we knew nearly everybody in the school. But the best class is allready the 4a becuase we are alltogether friends and have great fun.
This Ball is one of the best known Maturaball in austria and lots of people come to see it.
And I am a pupil of this school.
The first month in the school was awful I knewn nobody, my two roommates Eddy and Fridl were neither the talkaktivest and so we lay in our beds and said nothing.
In this school there are not only for people from a agricultural farm, no there are also people from downs who have nothing to do with agriculture.
It’s allowed to say that Raumberg I is kind of a big team. Why did I say team? Let go back to the roots and define the Word “Team”…A team comprises a group of people linked in a common purpose. Teams are especially appropriate for conducting tasks that are high in complexity and have many interdependent subtasks.One prove is the big festival “ Maturaball”.
A half year later I go there to school
I think in Raumberg is the life really good and always a lot of programm to do something in the freetime.
But I think that this day has changed my live.
The internat in Raumberg is also not very good, because the educators are very strict and they are drinking during their working time.

Sunday 3 May 2009

Raumberg 2a 2b

- If we have grass on our football pitch, it will be better, because if you fell down on this ground, you will get hurt.
- We all must adjust us, especially in the boarding of the school. It´ s sometimes not so easy to part a room with somebody and pass all the time with our friends.
- All in all I’m happy that I allowed going here to school, because it is a good school and you have good chances after the school and here are very nice people from all partings in Austria.
- You go to the gym and you have lost there your watch. In other schools you will find your watch not again. But in our school, you will find nearly everything you have lost.
-Because the two hours every week, we could move them under the week.
- Because the two hours every week, we could move them under the week.
-I think Raumberg is different from the other schools because here the students, teachers, educators and also the house keepers are a team which works very good.
- I think we have a good slogan – he is not to change!
- Like the permission to go out can be a little bit longer or a swimming pool in the near would be great.
- I also knew people who wants to come here and I tell many of my friends that it is very cool here.
- At the beginning my first decision was Raumberg and god thanks that I can go on this school!!
- In the boarding school it is always very funny, because there are very nice guys and girls.
- The best of being a Raumberg student is if somebody ask you what you do and you answer:”I go to Raumberg” and the answer is “wow, I know this school, I heard only good things about this school”
- In the five years we go to school in Raumberg, it is not only a school, it is our live.
- The main thing that we must to do is to change the walk away time. The educators in raumberg are very strict in my opinion.
- The main thing that we must to do is to change the walk away time. The educators in raumberg are very strict in my opinion.
-Because Raumberg is school witch is everywhere popular and the chefs know that when you had been a Raumberg student you are a constant person and you make the work so that it is the best.
- The next I want say is the sport place .On the edge there are flaws where youcan stumble or the fence who is partially broken.
- A other reason is that when you are a Raumberg student is that you know from all a bitMe feels very bad about the people who are not allowed to attend this school.
- Another becoming thing on Raumberg is that there are so many pupils in the school house and it’s always a real fun.
- There are the study hours. I don’t like this hours. But this is the only thing that I don`t like in this school.
- First I will tell you about the things witch make Raumberg so special. When you go to school in Raumberg you have a good basis to go study.
- When you apply for a jop it is also good when they see that you go to school in Raumberg because so they know that you have a good general knowledge.
- this is a very good school were you get a very expertise construction.
- One of the most important things we need is a new football-ground, our old one didn’t look very good and he had no fence, every ball flies in the garden of the neighbours garden, this is not very comfortable.
- t shouldn’t give study hours, because if you have to learn very much you must learn every time you have time and if you have nothing to do than you sit around and do nonsense.
- get known of this school when I was 12 because the daughter of our neighbour also goes school in Raumberg.
- Also the friends are a big theme in Raumberg.
- And I decide to go to Raumberg because I have a farm at home and I maybe get farmer when I’m older.
- Is wood bee super to have a small lake in Raumberg like in Aigen.
- Everybody of the school has a “Raumberg-spirit”. For example when you in the age of 50 and you think: Do you remember on the time in Raumberg? They were good times….
- how the persons greeted themselves and she also loved the nature here in Raumberg
- The school is a big community but everybody help when you have a Problem or you need something.
- But I wanted absolute go to this school.
- I think Raumberg is very good equipped

Thursday 30 April 2009

A world without atomic weapons? 4b

Of course it will be very difficult because countries like Russia will be afraid to give their nuclear weapons away.
All people in the near and also many people in areas which where farer away died!!
Many countries on the earth have thankfully no nuclear weapons.
Barack Obama holds a world without atomic weapons for possible, but all countries must destroyed their nuclear weapons.
Early August 1945, at quater past eight in the morning the Amerikan plane to drop an atom bomb called “Little boy” on the metropolis.
Remember the 26. April 1986. A worse fortune happened in Chernobyl.
The US was the first country who invented and used atomic weapons.
In my opinion I think it could be real but there are many problems to solve and that problems could nobody abolish at one day
I think when someone had the power to could make this then it is the new president of the USA, Barack Obama.
On those very hard days for the world many innocent people and kids lost her/his life.
.The horrible power of atomic weapons is really very dangerous for the humanity
This situation will be very difficult to clear, because weapons are power and every country at the whole world wants power
In my opinion it’s very good that Barack Obama is interested to change something in Amerika
On the one hand there are many points which speak against atomic bombs. Remember on Hiroshima or other war catastrophes with atomic bombs.
He is a very modern President and wants to change many things like the elimination of atomic weapons
Atomic weapons are really dangerous. That could be seen if you think at the consequences of Hiroshima. The bomb had been thrown down. All people in the near and also many people in areas which where farer away died!!
Barack Obama talks in his speech in prague about
Barack Obama talks in his speech in prague about …………..A world without atomic weapons........That is a good plan but is it possible that this dream beomes real
In my opinion it would be great if there are no atomic weapons anymore
. So if we live altogether in peace and harmony it would the best for us because so many people were dying during so many wars and I think that have to be enough.
A world without any atomic weapons would be great. Just remember to Hiroshima.
I like Barack Obama’s plan and I really hope that he will be able to reach his aims and what he wants. I believe very strong in him.
„ Yes we can! “These are the favorite words of Barack Obama and I hope for use that also this aim is no problem for him.
But I’m interested, if Obama will be able to put his idea into practice.
But I think it is a good beginning for a save future.
But when you think of countries in South of America or Africa, than you know that they have not so much water than the north countries of America or European.
They kill a lot of people like in Hiroshima.Later people will get ill from drinking "atomic water" or come close to were the bomb was dropped.
Nowadays also people die because of the after effects of this bomb.People get cancer this days but the bomb was dropped 50 years ago!!!!!
In Europe are enough alternative energies like the water and wind. We should but more money in them and not in atomic energie.
During the First Japanese-Chinese War (1894- 1895), Hiroshima was a very important base. Early August 1945, in the morning the Americans plane to drop an atom bomb on the metropolis.
As long as no side trusts the other to comply with agreements and any treatened state sees the value in having a atomic bomb or fifty as insurance, this is not possible-a world without atomic weapons.
The atomic weapon is one of the menkinds strongenst and most powerfull weapon.
So I think nations like the USA need not thousands of nuclear weapons it suffice only a few.
Everybody know what happened at Hiroshima and Nagasaki. You can feel the effects also today. This areas are contaminated for many years.
People will die again and it will be an on going cycle which never ends.
But Barak Obama makes steps in the right way to save us before it is too late.
Obama gave a speech in Prague. In this speech he also said serious that he will make a world without atomic weapons
So Mr. Obama is under a big pressure. He is not allowed to make big mistakes. I think he is able to get America in better times.
Its a very big problem, because many countries have atomic weapons.
I´m sure that the scientist exactly know about the effects about atmoic weapons on the earth.
A very good example is the financial crise.
Please wake up Mr. Obama! – The holding isn’t legal and I really do not want to support it, but at first you should care about problems in your own country.
A explosion of a atomic bomb is fatal. Like in Hiroshima there killed the bomb thousands of people. The impacts you see also still today. A lot of people will be porn with cancer and other diseases.
A world without any atomic weapons. I think this was the best idée what a politician could say to convince a lot of people from his strategy.
Of course, Obama is a respectful and sympathy young man.
Around Austria are so many power plants, if one is defect, our beautiful country will be destroyed.
In one of his speeches he told us that one of his goals was a world without nuclear weapons. He want that all Countries destroy their nuclear weapons.
However I do not believe which it that will create.
I think it however nevertheless well which it at least tried and for it use myself than If I President would be I would also try.
Disadvantages would be in addition, if only one country the atom bombs would destroy and it would take place a war, the country without atom bombs would not have a chance against the country with atom bombs.
When a atomic war will burst, the whole world will be destroyed.
The president visit a lot of countries in Europe and in one of his presentations he told us that it is possible to live in a world without atomic weapons.

Thursday 23 April 2009

Is there something wrong?

Homework: alcohol
It was middle in the night.
So all in all, I think that everybody is allowed to drink alcohol. But at teenager you drink to have fun or loose problems.
Binge drinking is getting more popular in our time especially for teens between 13 and 15 years.
So it´s not rare that drunken teenager visit hospital, because the doctors have to pump out their stomach.
I think this is a good older, because you are young and you can make lots of things.
You learn it better to handle with the alcohol when you are young.
Today I will tell you something about alcohol and drakes.
In Raumberg we drink very much alcohol and this is nothing bat somebody must look at the economy.
I think its better when you start the drinking with 16 because you learn when it is too much
The bad fallouts of the alcohol are the fertility and on the sexuality. So when you drink everyday too much you can’t get children and your noodleis not stiff.
Today it’s Gabriel. The whole class are there. Some boys make betting’s, who drink the most. After a few hours, they all are drunk. Some guys are sick and one guy lies on the floor and move anymore.
You have drunken too much of the hard drinks or also too much beer or wine.
Also a trouble is that people began to fight and they became very aggressive when they drink alcohol. By the way today the most people start to drink alcohol with twelve, 13 or 14 years!
Every day in the newspaper you can read about accidents with drunken people. They drive so fast and the reaction becomes worse and worse.Innocent people, children and whole families must die only this drunken driver.
The reason why so many young people are sometimes till often drunken is in my opinion that they want to forget their problems.
I think by young people it is very dangerous because there are many reasons.
They other reason is when young people getting drunk they sometimes are very aggressive, they beat themselves or other people and get many problems, in the end they can go to prison through bodily injury.
But all parents in the world must decide that alone what they with their child do.
It’s not ok that young kids at the age of 13 to 15 drink so much alcohol that the where transport by the ambulance to the hospital.
At Raumberg I think the second class is very very nonsense when you consider it from the sixteen year old guys. They are allowed to drink alcohol from the low but not from the college! I think this is very very noncenc!!!!!
Also a another reason to drink too much is peer pressure. Because when you are in a group and everybody says “Come on let´s have just one another drink”. And so you become even more drunken.
Our school is a good example of handling alcohol. When you are fewer than 16 years old and the educator cops you by drinking alcohol you get a strict punishment.
So I find in the whole our rules concerning drinking alcohol at school are okay.
It is also dangerous to become addicted to drugs. If you go away in the cities, you may never leave your drink. They could give you a little bit in. Or they offer it to you. You should never accept something, because you become very quickly dependent. And then you don´t get away from it any more.
“Youth today is bad! They make bad things and drink too much! In our time we didn’t do so terrible things”, blablabla. How often I heard so terrible comments from elderly people! Yeah, who believes that! I think they drank much more and said that they were so different. To some extent they are right but not in each and every aspect.
Many jobs will be loose at Lemmerer, if there were not the “Raumberg-school”. Every day students stay by the store, spend much money.
Some people also drink every evening a pint of beer.
In the USA you had to be 21, in Britain 18 and in Austria 16 to drink alcohol. 21 is a very high limit.
Long time ago the humans started with producing alcohol. Of the time when the people settled the land, we know that they produced alcohol. Already at this time they recognized the intoxicating effect of this substance. During the next centuries alcohol consume soared.The Greece drunk a lot of wine, the roman drunk a lot of beer. In the following centuries it didn’t changed. Now we are in the 21st Century.
Certainly every month people already die on the result of taking drugs.
The age of drinking alcohol goes down although the law says at the age of 16.
In our world is alcohol a very disputed thema!
Alcohol is a legal drug but it is a drug, have the person around us it forgotten?
A big question is: what is on drunken boys and girls cool? Is it that if this young people are laying on the groung and puke to the shoe´s, or is it that when the ambulance must advance.
There are you allowed to take drugs official. Therefore many young German people go there, to have fun.
Alcohol is the mostfamous drug in the world.But why so much people love him?, and why they often drink too much?
Many parents of teenager are alcoholic and they hit their children.
It doesn´t matter where you are because the most people do you see are drinking alcohol. Whether you see people in a pub or in the park. When you are strict looking you can see that the most people are young persons.
Some children are the first time drunk at the age of ten and earlier.
Alcohol is not so fatal when you don´t drink to much. But the binge-drinking is not in my understanding. All with measured and aim.