Monday, 18 October 2010


Do the job of your teacher!!!
Try to correct the sentences – make them “sound” better!
Could you even find better expressions?
1s/ Task: Introduce yourself

She is married and has two children’s Leo (two years old) and Hannah (four years old).
I went for 4 years in Fladnitz to elementary school.
…running in the nature.
Also I go in the stadium to look Sk Sturm matches.
This was a little information from my life.
I live in Bruck an der Großglocknerstraße, Salzburg in a little nice house.
My father work on a Farm with 30 dairy cows
My family have 2 cats, 1 dog and 5 chickens. In the Vocational School for domestic sings and agriculture in Bruck, because it is a board school.
I have one brother. He is 26 years old and he work on a farm with 100 mother cows.
I was very active in the by the young Breeds from the horses and cows.
By the breeds club we have a lot of advanced training.
My hobbies are horse riding, skiing, and swimming and meet my friends. In the winter we drive with the horses carriages with tourists.
I came from Ardning this is near Liezen.
My older sister Roswitha is 26 years old and she work as a secretary for the Maschinenring Liezen.
She taught math, physical, chemistry and art.
It was very funny there.
And then I went to Radstadt to make my practical finished.
She like it to be there, because she could go swimming and reading all her books she has.
His other hobby is to sailing with his boat on the Bodensee.
I like it a lot to be there and to help my uncle, if he should have many work to do.
My older and where I live you know now, if you read the sentences above correctly.
We have to look at 200 cattles and calfs.
The most badest thing was we didn’t have any electricity, any water in our five houses we have to live in and we only had a path to traveling around the valley – no streets.
Bevor I went to Raumberg I was in Grottenhof-Hart
He is sweetly boy.
We have za. 30 000 chicken at home but sometimes more
Also we have a small winegarden and than we can make our housewine or grape juice.
Everyday at 6 o`clock I look “Anna und die Liebe”, it`s one of my favourit TV film, but I know the real world is not so.
At the weekend afternoon I went to our disco “KW” there I meet all my friends and than we make party and dance a lot.
In the holidays I was everyday riding by my best friends.
One week in my holidays I drive to Wörschachwald.
In the winter we go skiing to Tauplitz and in the sommer we go swimming to the Spechtensee and sometimes we walking in the mountain for example Grimming.
My hobbies are hiking, be in the nature, reading books, skiing.
Go skiing is my most lovely hobby because I am a skiinstrucor.
Unfortunately we haven't a farm at home.
But in the summer my family is on a farm in the mountains, wich we have in rent.
Sometimes our family stay in the winterholidays in Ebnit.
I like this house very much because it's so near the nature and it's a privat place without the much traffic whos in the city.
The region was callt “Bucklige Welt”, and so there were a lot of hills.
We have a football place, 3 tennis cords and a beach-volleyball-place.
The wonderful woods and the view make Hochneukirchen to ah beautiful place for hiking, Nordic walking and jogging.
We also have ah way-net for mountain-biking there you can choose different difficult routes.
We have some pets one cat, one bird, one turtle, and about 5 sheep’s.
I was a very interest on the nature and so I love do be outside under fresh air.
My hobbies are playing volleyball, playing tennis, cycling, go out at weekends, cooking, fishing, hunting and so on ... I was a very interest on the nature and so I love do be outside under fresh air.
On every second week, when I was at home I spent normally the hole time with my girlfriend. We often go do parties, cinema and restaurants.
Now you have ah little information about me and my live when you like do know more about me, so ask me, please.
I was born in St.Johann iT and I also go there to the secondary modern school.
After the secondary modern school I’ve visited the LLA Weitau in St.Johann.
I go to raumberg because I think it is a good school and my teachers, friends and family said that I’m not so silly and I think that there is enough time to work in my life.
Sometimes we feed a pig for us self.
There are many activities we do under the year.
By our farm there are 14 ha grassland, 24ha mountain pasture and 60 ha forest.
We’re also a very musical family. Six of our seven Childs are members of the BMK Ellmau.
I hope you get a little insight in my live at the “Oberbiedringhof” and I hope I have informed you the best I can.
was born on the 11th of august 1992, in Oberwart.
My hobbies are the fire brigade “Reitnerberg”, playing soccer, spend time with my friends and going out at the weekends.
I was born on the 21st of august 1992 in Rottenmann, and now i live in Altirdning.
Usually before I’ve visited the ground school in Ellmau.
After elementary school and secondary modern school I went to the agriculture school in Gröbming, that is near Schladming about for three years.
In my holydays I visitetd a forestry course at the forestry school in Pichl about for five weeks.
Now I visit the agricultural school HBLFA Raumberg- Gumpenstein about for three years.
When i have finished this school I want to work in the branch agriculture.
she works as a ski instructor in the upper ennsvalley.
This was an information about of me and I hope that it was interesting for you.
First I go to the kindergarten in our village and than in the primary school and secondary school in Obdach.
By the huts the guest are have also a fish pond and for the physical well being a sauna.
Every weekend I meet my friend for some drinks in a local in Obdach.
My brother Roland meets the secondary school in St. Stefan, and my sister Irina is 14 years old and meets the Bakip Judenburg.
After Kobenz, I worked for 4 months at home, because we built a new stable for our cattle. At the end of October we want to move into it, with all our cattles.
After that years we moved to our fathers home, in the nice venue called Matrei in Easttyrol.
listening music, watch movies, playing computergames, go out with my friends, fishing,
go tot he cinema, drink beer with my friends, i love to drive with my car and with my motorbike and i also like to travel with my family and with my friends. KISS
When i´m finished with Raumberg i want to study Alternativ Energy Technik or i want to become an Doctor of Pathology
My sister is 15 Years old and visit a grammar school in Vienna.
I also make every nonsense with a rope on a tree, like to build a flying fox or to make a rope bridge.

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