Friday 2 November 2012

Right or wrong 1a

Right or wrong?

I had wanted to be a farmer, since I was a little baby.
Me makes happy if I have done something very well.
If I could be another people for one day I would be Barak Obama.
In our house there live seven people. My parents my two sisters Annalena and Elisa Sophie and our grandma and grandpa.
I think we will learn very many for our life.
I was born on the 16th July in hospital of Leoben. In our house live three generations of people: my grandparents; parents and the best to the last my brother Andreas and I.
This summer we did not go for a holyday because this autumn we are going to fly to London for 4 days.
I drive often with my little brother Daniel and my mother in the Krippau.
I thought of going school in Raumberg since the primary school.
We have got 42 ha ground.
My hobbys are playing musik, that means Harmonika and F –Tuba and doing anything in the nature or go skiing.
My dad cuts the claws of the cows because they often have many problems with them. There he is nearly every day away.
I visited the elementary school and the secondary school there and now, in 2012, it’s my first year in Raumberg.
My next target is the matura in Raumberg and to get a good job after then.
In my free time I often go ride a horse and in winter I go skiing with my friends.
This is a small village 15 kilometres western from Graz.
The cats name is Mutzi, she is also very lovely.
My friend Markus, who lives 2 km from me, went with me 8 years to school in Hitzendorf, and is now also in Raumberg.
One of my aim is to restart the farm of my grandparents.
I am from Vorderstoder in Upperaustria.
So in my holidays I have always something to do.
To this time I visit the school Raumberg Gumpenstein and before I go to this school I have visited the school Mhs Weiz and I have it passed positive.
It was an good idea that I have started this education, because I'm interested in inagrarian things. I've never thought that all, teachers and pupils, are so friendly.
My favourite clothes are t-shirts and jogging pants because they are very comfortably.
My favourite subjets at school are biology, maths and practis.
My mum work in a children garden.
In winter I often go with my friends snowboarding all the day.
The subjects are a little bit difficulter than in my old school but most of the teachers are friendly.
Before the school Raumberg I visited the secondary school in my hometown. So far I do not regret the decision here in space mountain to go to school, because the people are very nice and helpful.
My other brother goes at “HTL Pinkafeld” to school.
We sell them in groups of five and we get 1500 to 2000 euros for one selled bull.
I’m really interested and want to know many about the human and about the plants and the animals.
I was born at the 20th November 1997 in the hospital of tamsweg.
Or i go fish with my great-uncle.
Sometimes i go to the new cowshed or go to Irdning.
I’m really proud about this.
And in the Internat it is always very funny.
Currently I visit the school in
Raumberg .
I decides last year after the day of the open door to go to Raumberg, because it interesting me.
On holiday was of the Landler Kirtag where it three days rather funnily shut and I might not be also absent of course.

Wednesday 2 May 2012

Drugs 2a

He is not a really nice student but he plays very fair and good basketball. Further Jim’s friend Bobby is in hospital because he has cancer.

Heroin, Cocaine and Ecstasy are very dangerous drugs and it`s possible that you become addicted very quickly. And when you be it, it is hard to become clean again.

Sometimes a friend of Jim found him lying in the snow. His body was total subcooled and so he salved Jim’s life. 

Perhaps this is exactly the charming when you think about these drugs.

Happily a black man takes care of Jim and so he finds out a way to be addicted to drugs.

His friends and he just do the stupid things that everybody doe´s in his life. There are two things, playing basketball and writing poems, he likes very much. 

After a time he gets stoned, and step by step, he falls into the dark world of drugs. The time has come where his mother expels him out of her house.

He was really good at it and some of his friends also had the chance to become a very good player. With his friends he did things like jumping from a rock into the river or to sniff glue, which wasn´t really bad.

The story has a good ending, because finally he is send to prison and spends there some years. He stops taking drugs and become an actor and entertainer.

Nicotine contains in cigarettes and you are also dependent from them.

Jim visits a very strict catholic school.

The whole crew sink into depression. So they take the first time drugs.

First of all I will say you short the content about the film “Basketball Diaries”. 

Jim`s live always would be worse.

Ecstasy is also called MDMA and belongs to amphetamines. It was invent for war, it should help the knights to fight for days without eating and drinking.

In our presenting time it’s very easy to get drugs, sometimes even if you don’t want to.

and so I’m shore, about 99% of young people who are in a situation like this will also do the same as their friends.

Over time they always take harder drugs and their whole life runs out of control. 

Jim gets very sad and he apologized him to his mother.

In my opinion the most important thing for taking and getting addicted of drugs is pear pressure.

Some friends take drugs and they tell you that you feel so unbelievable fine and all your problems are away for some time.

So you can have problems to breathe but the worst thing could be a crab.

It makes fat.

It’s called width droll symptoms.

Then the the boys fall into a devilcircle.

The movie trade about a young man called Jim Carrol.

He would be dependent of the drugs and he must take more and more.

Thiat evening Jim takes drugs the first time. From now on he needs drugs and alcohol every day.

He was a very potential boy who plays basketball very well. 

There Jim stayed some time, because the black man wants to help him to solve his drug problem, but it didn´t worked. 

Nearly every other smoke, if you visit a pub.

Jim Caroll, a young boy who plays very good basketball, attend a catholic high school.

But in common I can say you really should take care that nobody put in some drugs in your drink at the disco.

Also legal drugs (alcohol and tobacco) make people addictive.

In the movie you can see that Jim’s best friend Bobby dies on leukaemia cancer. 

The most reason why young people take drugs is peer pressure. They make that only to be cool. At the first contact they don`t like it but the dangerous thing is that so many drugs make you addicted by the first use.

But how can we prevent this young human from these things. In my opinion we don’t can totally prevent them from alcohol and smoking. 

So they lived at the street. 

The two boys take for the first time cocaine by the ladies.

Monday 21 March 2011

Sustainability/ 3s

Right or Wrong?

Sustainability is at the moment a big problem in our world.
It gets more and more expensive at the moment, because of the civil war in lybia and the tyranny of Gadaffi.
There are many countries in the world witch have big problems because of that. For example the third world countries are suffering of hunger and in Europe there is an overflow of food.
Also the energy has to bee sustainability.
What if an accident happens like Tschernobyl in 1986 or the natural catastrophe in Japan this days.
The earthquake and the tsunami that followed destroyed the atomic power stations in such a way that they are not able to cool them self and they start to send out nuclear radiation.
In these areas people never will be able to live again and also agriculture want be able too.
Often our ancestors lived more sustainable then us and maybe we have to look how they did to stop us killing us shelf.
Our children also want to live in an intact living room, so we have to change our living standards and look after mother earth.
The number of people is rising dramatically and in future there is too less food to feed this people on the earth.
…you will agree when I am saying that they don’t look very well.
How much people have to die and how much of our nature must be unrecoverable destroyed before humans start thinking?
Childs are cheap, they have small hands and therefore they can work more specific. Such factories are in poor countries.
I think most of our I think most of our ancestor lived in harmony with the nature and treated the environment sustainable because in Europe we all have a high living standard and most of us have enough food and water. lived in harmony with the nature and treated the environment sustainable because in Europe we all have a high living standard and most of us have enough food and water.
I think people in the Third World Countries suffer in a extremely way from these problems.
Everybody of us know that our environment is just destroyed.
We always look on the price in the supermarket and then we buy the cheapest products.
The have often a very high quality and this have a very good influence on our body and health. So we will be able to give some more Euro for a product.
There we forget that we live on planet with only a finite amount of resources.
Sustainability is very important for our future, because without sustainability we have no chance to survive, because the Earth will be fight back every time and always a little bit harder, like the situation in Japan these days.
The humanity is the biggest destroyer and enemy of the world, because we are, for example, cutting down more trees than it grows up.
Everybody want to make money and making profit out of something to have a better lifestyle and buy expensive things like cars, clothes and other popular things.
Today our world is changing, changing in a way we don’t want.
In some areas and cities the smog shades the sun. In this city a car free day would help to reduce it, but only for this day.
We have the responsibility to the next generations of human beings.
And on the other hand we can help the people in the third world they suffer from our wish for cheap food and Products.
An additional problem is that the global population increase.
New cities are built, forests are cleared and the production of meat will be more and more industrially.
In my opinion, the most People who benefits on high prices are those, who can’t buy biological and at least healthier food than some from anywhere, who didn’t know where it comes from.
If we will survive on it, we have to protect it. Now! Not in the future, if it is too late.

4b Sustainability

Right or wrong 4b/ Sustainability

Since this horrible earthquake which cause the tsunami world is gasping.
At the moment we have in our world huge changes.
At the first time it looks like a natural disaster but know the worst is arrived- a nuclear catastrophe. This reminds us all at Tschernobyl.
The food provision is also a big problem.
Because nobody looks on our world.
Everyone from us wear this clothe from India. But who made this cheap clothes?..
Everybody want to have new clothes with high quality which costs less.
In my mind we should at the least switch of our mobile phones at night and we should switch of the laptops when we don´t use it- not only of standby.
Change the Earth and make it better and healthy isn’t really effortless, because at our world are living around 6.5 billion people and everybody needs food, clothes, water, fresh air, energy and more. In our time living is on a high-level standard and so it’s not easy to get for everyone everything that this person needs.
Every year the CO² emission increases because the number of factories and other harmful things like cars and trucks rise enormously.
In my mind we should produce the energy with our own goods like water, wind and solar energy.
In addition we will also change the green gas effect.
But when I think on many happenings which in recent years passed I don’t think that we react sustainable.
Many animal species are already extinct and many more will die.
By the way genetically modified crops prove popular.
Unfortunately we have to learn from false decisions.
In Europe the human failure is our biggest risk.
Also the power stations are too old for operation.
Because of the very big pollution that we make on our planet with big power stations or the billions of cars that we have, very bad things happens, like the greenhouse effect and therewith the melting of our north and south poles.
It’s a different between a little change of a removal from the city to a beautiful little village in the middle of pampa.
We live all at this world, and so we should all do something to save it.
So I think that the nature, when there are such heavy catastrophes like in Tschernobyl or now in Japan, make a balance between the nature, the people and animals which are living there.
In addition, unfortunately I have to regret that we, the human self, aren´t sustainable with our environment.
It may be a change in the average weather conditions or a change in the distribution of weather events with respect to an average, for example, greater or fewer extreme weather events.
Another problem in this countries are the natural disasters for egsample japan
We destroy the environment day for day.
Peoples in those days were very flexible and they lived with nature and not against.
The whole population want to buy cheap things.
A problem is that this items produced ecologically harmful. So they destroy our planet more and more.
In this second the mankind influenced the natural processes very critical. In the past millions of years in earth history our planet had to survive many gravity situations like ice ages, volcanic eruptions, gigantic earthquakes and even devastating meteorite impacts.
But howlong the world will play this game with us?
So what can we do against these problems?
In my opinion the most important steps we have to face now are to help the Japanese and start to use produced renewable energy.
The most of the people don’t handle sensible as they should.

Saturday 19 March 2011

4a Sustainability

Right or wrong?

In future the green energy plays an important part of our life, but at the same time is the renaissance of the atomic power plants.
Firstly we can say that we have a lot of problems on our earth. There is the big problem with the oil resources. Then the atomic power plants just look at Japan.
So we have to act sustainable.
Nowadays every household have a water and electricity affiliation and enough food to eat.
So we should reduce the pollution of the environment and handle in a controlled way with natural materials that also the next generations will be able to live on our earth.
For instance in corn is a genome from bacteria that crops produce poison which kills its natural enemy.
Therefore it is necessary to plan over a long term in every department.
With this application they total damage the wildlife, poison the groundwater and the environment.
Save our world. But, „what can we do?” And “do we have the materials for this?” Another aspect is the problems we have got “how much the earth is destroyed that we must say “save our world”.
We always had to make decisions and now it is time to decide how we want to discover our planet in future.
Another worse problem is the industrialization.
They give those poor people really less money for work.
There are many reasons for the climate change but the main reason is probably the emissions oft the cars.
Everything sounds very good what they promise what problems they can solve with this technology but nobody knows much about the risks.
Because it is through us-wanting cheap/affordable goods. The bourgeoisie want more and more cheap products.
The governments in developing countries that allow for these situations to continue there is not enough pressure on them at the moment.
Another relevant point is that on the one hand people are cutting down the forests to plant more crops and so they increase the yield but on the other hand millions of people are die from the consequences of hunger.
Therefore I think we should take care to insert the food useful and we should split the whole food on earth that also in poor countries people have enough to eat.
But the problem of the human beings (you and me) is that they (we) don’t think on that. They have only one concern:” How can we increase our good living conditions a twice, a third time etc. in a very cheap way?”
This will be the first difficult but important topic which has the governments of the big countries to solve because one thing is sure - they have to work together.
In the first place I want to talk about the child labour in the third world.
Secondly I want to tell you something about the climate change.
There are the important words for sustainability.
At next the social areas, today we want to have a good life and so nearly every person has a mobile phone, a computer at home, a car, TV and so on.
I know in 100 or 300 years I am dead but it is also a huge problem for us because now we had to change something and we had to think about our next generation.
In Japan there is a city called Fukushima and this town has six AKW´s.
Nowadays the whole world need and use atomic power energy.
I don’t think so. Because there are many alternative methods, to win energy, like solar energy, water energy, and so on.
Are we able to change the whole situation into a good direction, or are we just trying it to engage ourselves?
Because what would it modify if a small country, like for instance Austria, is ready to renounce to almost every ``bad´´ things and the others live on and do nothing in this way?
First I want to say that in the last weeks so much has happened
They have helped themself.
In the last years much changed.
I think the biggest problems in our world are the people, some people doesn´t care about the negative changes.
But all this things waste a lot of energy.
We also should consider the agriculture, because a lot of farmer use a fairly large quantity of pesticides and herbicides.
All of us took about the earth but nobody give something return. I think the human population will guide the nature but from time to time the nature showed use she can not guide.
In connection with the earthquake a tsunami was happen.
This was the worst earthquake ever in the story of Japan.
But it isn’t only the first quake with the horrible consequent; the quakes after the first were not really useful for thousands of people which help day and night for search survival people.
In the northern Japan there is an atomic power plant build on the coast.
It survived the Tsunami but then the electric network fall out and so the cooling system falls out.
The question now is if the electricity has cost more would be the people ready to pay more for the same thing, because the user will not feel a difference
In newspapers and many other media terms as climate change, earthquakes as result of that and world hunger as well are listed as one of the major problems of our time.

Sunday 7 November 2010

1a "Waiting for Godot"

Right or wrong – do the job of your teacher – make it sound English!!!!
1a Waiting for Godot

The Godot needs to help her.
They need to go under people and have fun with woman’s.
Maybe Samuel Beckett wanted to throw the people, that it will not be better, if the only wait for a “Godot” or a miracle.
I think this Lucky, who walk against the street are also desperate and wait for a better live.
In this time many people asked themselves some questions: What should I do? Should I do something against the power of those politicians or should I wait for better times?
Should I wait for my relatives or are they already died in the war or in the concentration camps?
If you look closer to this time it’s easier to understand Beckett’s thoughts and what he would tell us with the play.
I think Godot is the peace in person, because the author had written this play after the war time. He wants to tell us, that the peace doesn’t come to us.
At the end of the first part there comes a little boy. He said that Godot not came today but that he comes tomorrow.
On the end I want you tell the most important thing on this play.It is very, very, very boring!
Estragon and Vladimir don’t speak together. They don’t know who Godot is, but they hope the Godot will came to her.
They don´t speak much together or do other thinks.
In my eyes “Waiting for Godot” is the most boring theatre play I had ever seen, but it isn´t nonsense to us and so I think that this play is very strange.
They are able to looking for a job, to searching a flat or to go around the world, but they do nothing.
The play doesn´t have a happy Ending because the two men doesn´t do anything and so nothing can happen.
That play was written three years after the Second World War, in a time, where the people doesn´t have any food, a good job or a nice flat.
The two charakters Vladimir and Estragon are both people who want to become a better life but they do nothing to let their wish come true.
In 1948 he wrote his play “Waiting for Godot” which was originally wrote in French but then he translated it into English.
These play will us say that we must stand up and seize the day (Carpe diem!), we have to search Godot.
Then you are not fault when something doesn`t go such as you wants.
Waiting for Godot is an instance for a play in this horrible time of destroy and suffer because the place where they play is very gloomily and alarmingly and the actors look very pour because their clothes are really tidy and worn.
So we have to do something in our live for example to study in the school to become a good job, but it is also really important to do what you like.
Estragon is the second of the man.
“Waiting for Godot” is a very boring play and no one like it realy much, but it is one of the famous and often visit theaterplay.
Next day they wait on the same place, but no Godot was in visibility.
And they wait every day, that´s also special, because who humans wait day for day, that somebody comes, but they also don´t do anything!
I don’t understand who this theatre has becoming so famous, who the people could watch such a nonsense.

Monday 18 October 2010


Do the job of your teacher!!!
Try to correct the sentences – make them “sound” better!
Could you even find better expressions?
1s/ Task: Introduce yourself

She is married and has two children’s Leo (two years old) and Hannah (four years old).
I went for 4 years in Fladnitz to elementary school.
…running in the nature.
Also I go in the stadium to look Sk Sturm matches.
This was a little information from my life.
I live in Bruck an der Großglocknerstraße, Salzburg in a little nice house.
My father work on a Farm with 30 dairy cows
My family have 2 cats, 1 dog and 5 chickens. In the Vocational School for domestic sings and agriculture in Bruck, because it is a board school.
I have one brother. He is 26 years old and he work on a farm with 100 mother cows.
I was very active in the by the young Breeds from the horses and cows.
By the breeds club we have a lot of advanced training.
My hobbies are horse riding, skiing, and swimming and meet my friends. In the winter we drive with the horses carriages with tourists.
I came from Ardning this is near Liezen.
My older sister Roswitha is 26 years old and she work as a secretary for the Maschinenring Liezen.
She taught math, physical, chemistry and art.
It was very funny there.
And then I went to Radstadt to make my practical finished.
She like it to be there, because she could go swimming and reading all her books she has.
His other hobby is to sailing with his boat on the Bodensee.
I like it a lot to be there and to help my uncle, if he should have many work to do.
My older and where I live you know now, if you read the sentences above correctly.
We have to look at 200 cattles and calfs.
The most badest thing was we didn’t have any electricity, any water in our five houses we have to live in and we only had a path to traveling around the valley – no streets.
Bevor I went to Raumberg I was in Grottenhof-Hart
He is sweetly boy.
We have za. 30 000 chicken at home but sometimes more
Also we have a small winegarden and than we can make our housewine or grape juice.
Everyday at 6 o`clock I look “Anna und die Liebe”, it`s one of my favourit TV film, but I know the real world is not so.
At the weekend afternoon I went to our disco “KW” there I meet all my friends and than we make party and dance a lot.
In the holidays I was everyday riding by my best friends.
One week in my holidays I drive to Wörschachwald.
In the winter we go skiing to Tauplitz and in the sommer we go swimming to the Spechtensee and sometimes we walking in the mountain for example Grimming.
My hobbies are hiking, be in the nature, reading books, skiing.
Go skiing is my most lovely hobby because I am a skiinstrucor.
Unfortunately we haven't a farm at home.
But in the summer my family is on a farm in the mountains, wich we have in rent.
Sometimes our family stay in the winterholidays in Ebnit.
I like this house very much because it's so near the nature and it's a privat place without the much traffic whos in the city.
The region was callt “Bucklige Welt”, and so there were a lot of hills.
We have a football place, 3 tennis cords and a beach-volleyball-place.
The wonderful woods and the view make Hochneukirchen to ah beautiful place for hiking, Nordic walking and jogging.
We also have ah way-net for mountain-biking there you can choose different difficult routes.
We have some pets one cat, one bird, one turtle, and about 5 sheep’s.
I was a very interest on the nature and so I love do be outside under fresh air.
My hobbies are playing volleyball, playing tennis, cycling, go out at weekends, cooking, fishing, hunting and so on ... I was a very interest on the nature and so I love do be outside under fresh air.
On every second week, when I was at home I spent normally the hole time with my girlfriend. We often go do parties, cinema and restaurants.
Now you have ah little information about me and my live when you like do know more about me, so ask me, please.
I was born in St.Johann iT and I also go there to the secondary modern school.
After the secondary modern school I’ve visited the LLA Weitau in St.Johann.
I go to raumberg because I think it is a good school and my teachers, friends and family said that I’m not so silly and I think that there is enough time to work in my life.
Sometimes we feed a pig for us self.
There are many activities we do under the year.
By our farm there are 14 ha grassland, 24ha mountain pasture and 60 ha forest.
We’re also a very musical family. Six of our seven Childs are members of the BMK Ellmau.
I hope you get a little insight in my live at the “Oberbiedringhof” and I hope I have informed you the best I can.
was born on the 11th of august 1992, in Oberwart.
My hobbies are the fire brigade “Reitnerberg”, playing soccer, spend time with my friends and going out at the weekends.
I was born on the 21st of august 1992 in Rottenmann, and now i live in Altirdning.
Usually before I’ve visited the ground school in Ellmau.
After elementary school and secondary modern school I went to the agriculture school in Gröbming, that is near Schladming about for three years.
In my holydays I visitetd a forestry course at the forestry school in Pichl about for five weeks.
Now I visit the agricultural school HBLFA Raumberg- Gumpenstein about for three years.
When i have finished this school I want to work in the branch agriculture.
she works as a ski instructor in the upper ennsvalley.
This was an information about of me and I hope that it was interesting for you.
First I go to the kindergarten in our village and than in the primary school and secondary school in Obdach.
By the huts the guest are have also a fish pond and for the physical well being a sauna.
Every weekend I meet my friend for some drinks in a local in Obdach.
My brother Roland meets the secondary school in St. Stefan, and my sister Irina is 14 years old and meets the Bakip Judenburg.
After Kobenz, I worked for 4 months at home, because we built a new stable for our cattle. At the end of October we want to move into it, with all our cattles.
After that years we moved to our fathers home, in the nice venue called Matrei in Easttyrol.
listening music, watch movies, playing computergames, go out with my friends, fishing,
go tot he cinema, drink beer with my friends, i love to drive with my car and with my motorbike and i also like to travel with my family and with my friends. KISS
When i´m finished with Raumberg i want to study Alternativ Energy Technik or i want to become an Doctor of Pathology
My sister is 15 Years old and visit a grammar school in Vienna.
I also make every nonsense with a rope on a tree, like to build a flying fox or to make a rope bridge.