Thursday, 30 April 2009

A world without atomic weapons? 4b

Of course it will be very difficult because countries like Russia will be afraid to give their nuclear weapons away.
All people in the near and also many people in areas which where farer away died!!
Many countries on the earth have thankfully no nuclear weapons.
Barack Obama holds a world without atomic weapons for possible, but all countries must destroyed their nuclear weapons.
Early August 1945, at quater past eight in the morning the Amerikan plane to drop an atom bomb called “Little boy” on the metropolis.
Remember the 26. April 1986. A worse fortune happened in Chernobyl.
The US was the first country who invented and used atomic weapons.
In my opinion I think it could be real but there are many problems to solve and that problems could nobody abolish at one day
I think when someone had the power to could make this then it is the new president of the USA, Barack Obama.
On those very hard days for the world many innocent people and kids lost her/his life.
.The horrible power of atomic weapons is really very dangerous for the humanity
This situation will be very difficult to clear, because weapons are power and every country at the whole world wants power
In my opinion it’s very good that Barack Obama is interested to change something in Amerika
On the one hand there are many points which speak against atomic bombs. Remember on Hiroshima or other war catastrophes with atomic bombs.
He is a very modern President and wants to change many things like the elimination of atomic weapons
Atomic weapons are really dangerous. That could be seen if you think at the consequences of Hiroshima. The bomb had been thrown down. All people in the near and also many people in areas which where farer away died!!
Barack Obama talks in his speech in prague about
Barack Obama talks in his speech in prague about …………..A world without atomic weapons........That is a good plan but is it possible that this dream beomes real
In my opinion it would be great if there are no atomic weapons anymore
. So if we live altogether in peace and harmony it would the best for us because so many people were dying during so many wars and I think that have to be enough.
A world without any atomic weapons would be great. Just remember to Hiroshima.
I like Barack Obama’s plan and I really hope that he will be able to reach his aims and what he wants. I believe very strong in him.
„ Yes we can! “These are the favorite words of Barack Obama and I hope for use that also this aim is no problem for him.
But I’m interested, if Obama will be able to put his idea into practice.
But I think it is a good beginning for a save future.
But when you think of countries in South of America or Africa, than you know that they have not so much water than the north countries of America or European.
They kill a lot of people like in Hiroshima.Later people will get ill from drinking "atomic water" or come close to were the bomb was dropped.
Nowadays also people die because of the after effects of this bomb.People get cancer this days but the bomb was dropped 50 years ago!!!!!
In Europe are enough alternative energies like the water and wind. We should but more money in them and not in atomic energie.
During the First Japanese-Chinese War (1894- 1895), Hiroshima was a very important base. Early August 1945, in the morning the Americans plane to drop an atom bomb on the metropolis.
As long as no side trusts the other to comply with agreements and any treatened state sees the value in having a atomic bomb or fifty as insurance, this is not possible-a world without atomic weapons.
The atomic weapon is one of the menkinds strongenst and most powerfull weapon.
So I think nations like the USA need not thousands of nuclear weapons it suffice only a few.
Everybody know what happened at Hiroshima and Nagasaki. You can feel the effects also today. This areas are contaminated for many years.
People will die again and it will be an on going cycle which never ends.
But Barak Obama makes steps in the right way to save us before it is too late.
Obama gave a speech in Prague. In this speech he also said serious that he will make a world without atomic weapons
So Mr. Obama is under a big pressure. He is not allowed to make big mistakes. I think he is able to get America in better times.
Its a very big problem, because many countries have atomic weapons.
I´m sure that the scientist exactly know about the effects about atmoic weapons on the earth.
A very good example is the financial crise.
Please wake up Mr. Obama! – The holding isn’t legal and I really do not want to support it, but at first you should care about problems in your own country.
A explosion of a atomic bomb is fatal. Like in Hiroshima there killed the bomb thousands of people. The impacts you see also still today. A lot of people will be porn with cancer and other diseases.
A world without any atomic weapons. I think this was the best idée what a politician could say to convince a lot of people from his strategy.
Of course, Obama is a respectful and sympathy young man.
Around Austria are so many power plants, if one is defect, our beautiful country will be destroyed.
In one of his speeches he told us that one of his goals was a world without nuclear weapons. He want that all Countries destroy their nuclear weapons.
However I do not believe which it that will create.
I think it however nevertheless well which it at least tried and for it use myself than If I President would be I would also try.
Disadvantages would be in addition, if only one country the atom bombs would destroy and it would take place a war, the country without atom bombs would not have a chance against the country with atom bombs.
When a atomic war will burst, the whole world will be destroyed.
The president visit a lot of countries in Europe and in one of his presentations he told us that it is possible to live in a world without atomic weapons.

Thursday, 23 April 2009

Is there something wrong?

Homework: alcohol
It was middle in the night.
So all in all, I think that everybody is allowed to drink alcohol. But at teenager you drink to have fun or loose problems.
Binge drinking is getting more popular in our time especially for teens between 13 and 15 years.
So it´s not rare that drunken teenager visit hospital, because the doctors have to pump out their stomach.
I think this is a good older, because you are young and you can make lots of things.
You learn it better to handle with the alcohol when you are young.
Today I will tell you something about alcohol and drakes.
In Raumberg we drink very much alcohol and this is nothing bat somebody must look at the economy.
I think its better when you start the drinking with 16 because you learn when it is too much
The bad fallouts of the alcohol are the fertility and on the sexuality. So when you drink everyday too much you can’t get children and your noodleis not stiff.
Today it’s Gabriel. The whole class are there. Some boys make betting’s, who drink the most. After a few hours, they all are drunk. Some guys are sick and one guy lies on the floor and move anymore.
You have drunken too much of the hard drinks or also too much beer or wine.
Also a trouble is that people began to fight and they became very aggressive when they drink alcohol. By the way today the most people start to drink alcohol with twelve, 13 or 14 years!
Every day in the newspaper you can read about accidents with drunken people. They drive so fast and the reaction becomes worse and worse.Innocent people, children and whole families must die only this drunken driver.
The reason why so many young people are sometimes till often drunken is in my opinion that they want to forget their problems.
I think by young people it is very dangerous because there are many reasons.
They other reason is when young people getting drunk they sometimes are very aggressive, they beat themselves or other people and get many problems, in the end they can go to prison through bodily injury.
But all parents in the world must decide that alone what they with their child do.
It’s not ok that young kids at the age of 13 to 15 drink so much alcohol that the where transport by the ambulance to the hospital.
At Raumberg I think the second class is very very nonsense when you consider it from the sixteen year old guys. They are allowed to drink alcohol from the low but not from the college! I think this is very very noncenc!!!!!
Also a another reason to drink too much is peer pressure. Because when you are in a group and everybody says “Come on let´s have just one another drink”. And so you become even more drunken.
Our school is a good example of handling alcohol. When you are fewer than 16 years old and the educator cops you by drinking alcohol you get a strict punishment.
So I find in the whole our rules concerning drinking alcohol at school are okay.
It is also dangerous to become addicted to drugs. If you go away in the cities, you may never leave your drink. They could give you a little bit in. Or they offer it to you. You should never accept something, because you become very quickly dependent. And then you don´t get away from it any more.
“Youth today is bad! They make bad things and drink too much! In our time we didn’t do so terrible things”, blablabla. How often I heard so terrible comments from elderly people! Yeah, who believes that! I think they drank much more and said that they were so different. To some extent they are right but not in each and every aspect.
Many jobs will be loose at Lemmerer, if there were not the “Raumberg-school”. Every day students stay by the store, spend much money.
Some people also drink every evening a pint of beer.
In the USA you had to be 21, in Britain 18 and in Austria 16 to drink alcohol. 21 is a very high limit.
Long time ago the humans started with producing alcohol. Of the time when the people settled the land, we know that they produced alcohol. Already at this time they recognized the intoxicating effect of this substance. During the next centuries alcohol consume soared.The Greece drunk a lot of wine, the roman drunk a lot of beer. In the following centuries it didn’t changed. Now we are in the 21st Century.
Certainly every month people already die on the result of taking drugs.
The age of drinking alcohol goes down although the law says at the age of 16.
In our world is alcohol a very disputed thema!
Alcohol is a legal drug but it is a drug, have the person around us it forgotten?
A big question is: what is on drunken boys and girls cool? Is it that if this young people are laying on the groung and puke to the shoe´s, or is it that when the ambulance must advance.
There are you allowed to take drugs official. Therefore many young German people go there, to have fun.
Alcohol is the mostfamous drug in the world.But why so much people love him?, and why they often drink too much?
Many parents of teenager are alcoholic and they hit their children.
It doesn´t matter where you are because the most people do you see are drinking alcohol. Whether you see people in a pub or in the park. When you are strict looking you can see that the most people are young persons.
Some children are the first time drunk at the age of ten and earlier.
Alcohol is not so fatal when you don´t drink to much. But the binge-drinking is not in my understanding. All with measured and aim.